6. Let's go dancing tonight (Joe Toye).

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Summary: Joe insists on taking you out dancing.

(A/N): I know I might have went a little heavy with "babe" and "baby", but I just love the idea of Joe calling you babe or baby in that God damn voice of his.

Disclaimer!: the characters in this story are based on the characters of the television show, not the real men and this is in no way meant offensively or disrespectfully to those heroes.

When you received the letter that your husband had been injured during the war, you had been devastated. Your remembered vividly how you had had to sit down, letter shaking in your hands.

When Joe had come home it had been hard on you both. He didn't want your help, he kept grumbling about how he should be taking care of you. Your heart broke every time he apologized for not being a good husband. You would assure him that you loved him with your whole heart and that you couldn't have wished for a better husband. He didn't seem to believe you.

It was difficult for you too. Joe wasn't the man you married anymore. Not that you could blame him. He had seen things no man should ever have to experience. He had literally been through hell. He was more grumpy than he had been before, frustrated with how difficult some things had become. Things that had once been oh so easy. You tried to help where you could, but he felt like this was something he needed to do himself. The revalidation was a hard process and a slow one. Joe hated how slow his progress was. He just wanted to be up and walking again.
Once he got his prosthetic, things got slightly better. It was painful at first and some days he wouldn't wear it at all, but he liked being able to walk properly again. At least, if one could call his stumbling wobble of moving about a walk.

One night as you were in the kitchen cooking and swaying your hips as you quietly hummed to yourself, an idea popped into your husband's head. "Babe?" He asked. You looked over your shoulder to indicate that you were listening. "Remember how we used to go dancing all the time before the war?
You nodded as you smiled. "You really loved to go dancing, didn't you?" He asked you. "Yes I did," you agreed "but only because I got to spend time with you." You winked at him.

"You know I was thinking, my leg barely hurts today," he spoke. You continued to cut vegetables as you heard his chair scrape and his heavy footsteps, one a little heavier than the other, come closer to you. You could feel him wrap his arms around your waist. He was leaning on you a little, to take some of his weight off his leg. Joe pressed some kisses to the back of your neck, "Would you let me take you out dancing tonight, (Y/N)?" He asked.
You frowned worriedly, "I would love to, Joe, but only if you're up for it." You turned around so you were facing him, his hands on the counter on either side of you. He smiled at you cheekily, "Of course I'm up for it."
"Joe," you sighed "I know you want things to be like before, I know you feel like you owe it to me, but-"
"(Y/N)," he warned you, "stop worrying for a second and just let me take you out, will you?"
You smiled, ever the charmer, your husband.
You pecked his lips, "Alright, after dinner, if you're not too tired we can go down town."
He smiled at you broadly, "Yes ma'am."

After dinner you quickly got ready before walking downstairs. Joe was already waiting for you. He jostled the car keys in his hands, "You ready to go , babe?" You smiled widely as you took the car keys from him, nodding excitedly. "Yes, let's go."

As you walked into the bar you and Joe used to go to, you could tell the walk to and from the car had been a lot for him, even though he didn't want to show it. You could see as he swallowed while looking at people dancing quickly to an upbeat song. You had a strong urge to tell him that he didn't need to worry, that you could just go home if he wasn't feeling like dancing anymore. But you stopped yourself, you knew that would feel like a failure to him and you wanted tonight to be a succes. God knew your husband needed one.
So you decided to try a different tactic.

"How about we have a drink first? Until we hear a song we like?" You suggested. He smiled at you, nodding in agreement. "How about you get us a table and I'll get us some drinks?" You said. "Are you okay getting to the table?" He nodded with a determined look on your face. "Okay, a beer?" You asked, just to be sure you knew what he wanted to drink. "Yes thanks baby, that'd be great."

As you walked towards the table you couldn't help but smile. You couldn't believe how lucky you got. You couldn't have wished for a better husband. Although times had been hard, you loved Joe even more now he was back home again (if that was even possible of course). He looked extremely handsome tonight.

You sat down next to him and took his hand in yours, using your other one to sip your drink. He looked at you, quirking an eyebrow. "What are you looking at?" He asked. "I was just thinking of how good you look tonight." He looked down, twirling his drink in his hand. He didn't say anything. "Did that go too far?" You questioned. He shook his head, "You-you don't have to pretend you're still attracted to me, (Y/N)," he stated. Your mouth dropped open. "You're joking, please tell me you're joking." You squeezed his hand tighter, looking at him. "Joe, listen to me carefully, you're the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes upon." You assured him "Now please stop talking like that, because you almost make me feel like a bad wife. I love every inch of you, understand? God, I'm so sorry if I have given you that idea." 

You took another sip of your drink when a familiar song reached your ears. You looked at Joe, smiling. "Oh my God, do you hear this?" You asked. He nodded, his furrowed brows quickly changing into a smile. It was the song you had had your first dance to as a married couple.

He stood up stretching his hand out to you. "Mrs. Toye, may I please have this dance?" You beamed up at him, standing up before putting your hand in his. You made your way to the dancefloor slowly. You put your hands around his neck, his arms sneaking around your waist.
"It's just moving from one side to another, I've got this," you heard him
encourage himself. But when he tried to move his weight to his prosthetic leg he stumbled. "God damn it," he cursed. "It's alright Joe," you said softly. You stepped a little closer to him, your hands wrapping around his waist. "Let's try it again like this," you spoke. "Just lean on me a little, put your hands around my neck."
"You're supposed to put your hands around my-" he tried to protest. "Babe, let's just try, yeah?" You encouraged him again. He shut his mouth, putting his arms around your neck.

You slowly started moving again, supporting Joe whenever he shifted his weight. "People are looking'" he grumbled. "I don't care," you said as you moved your face so that you could rest your cheek on his hand. "It's none if their business how I decide to dance with my own God Damn husband." He barked out a laugh "God, I love you." You smiled at him widely, "I love you too, Joe."

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