"You better clean that." Iris said, nodding at the trail of snow.

"Like hell I would!" Leon snapped at her.

"You're the one who made the mess."

"Who was the one who made me a human-rug?!"

"Make fun of my again, and I might use your face to get rid of the mud under my boots."

"Fucking bastard..."

Everyone was confused to what the two were talking about, but they were sure that it had something to do with Leon teasing Iris that had her beating him up. It was a common thing between the two; once, they even saw Iris pin Leon to the ground when he teased her about her height by calling her "short-shit". But that didn't stop him from teasing her. They didn't know why he would even continue to call her names when Iris would always beat his ass, they just settled to the conclusion that that was just how their friendship works, besides, it was always amused them to see the two go on each other because of their antics.

"Hey, Leon, mind me asking?" Jean said with a teasing look.

"Just try, Jean, I will throw you out the window." Leon said through gritted teeth.

"Like you could try." Jean said.

"You want me to do it, Horse-Face?" Iris spoke.

Everyone in he class laughed, making Jean blush in embarrassment. But just before anything could happen, Shadis came to the door and everyone – but for Iris – sat up straight. The trail of snow did not slip Shadis' eye, he followed the trail and saw it ending at Leon.

"I see you had your little fun in the snow, Kirsch." Shadis began.

Almost everyone was snickering, trying their hardest not to laugh.

"Sir!" Leon said. "It was –"

"After class, you'll be moping the whole vicinity!" Shadis yelled. "And Reed will be looking after you."

Iris smirked, while Leon had a horrified look on his face.

"This better be spotless, Leon." Iris said with a teasing tone.

Everyone was laughing at this point.


Everyone immediately stopped. If there was one thing that Iris was known for, it was how organized she was with her things and how she always kept her place clean. They didn't know why the girl had some kind of cleaning fetish, but according to Leon, she was always like that even before they came to Boot Camp. He would see Iris cleaning their house every now and then, dusting, sweeping, even though she already did it the morning prior.

"Let's begin..."


Years Ago...

"Iris, I think you already cleaned the whole house." Maria said.

Five-year-old Iris didn't listen to her mother and continued with her sweeping. She has been cleaning since that morning, she dusted the shelves, the table, swept the floor, and scrubbed them, and now she was sweeping again.

Maria slightly frowned at her daughter's actions, this was what Iris would do twice a month, she would sweep, scrub, dust, clean every corner of the house, just for those two specific days. At first Maria thought that it was just Iris lending her a hand with the cleaning, but after a few months of noticing the pattern, she realized why her daughter was making such an effort in cleaning.

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