"yes, i'll go on a date with you, joey."



"so are you gonna fuck her?" i heard tayler ask. i look at him through the mirror with my brows furrowed.

"seriously, jackass?" dev rolled his eyes.

tayler raised his hands up in defense. "i'm just asking! joey always puts out on the first date." i rolled my eyes. i grabbed one of his dirty socks that was laying on the chair and threw it at him. he dodges it and scoffed.

june and i were going on our date tonight. i was suppose to go out with her the next day i had asked her out, but i ended up getting busy with other things, but finally. after this whole time of knowing her i could take her out.

the good thing about vegas is that it's easy wearing a mask and pretending to be someone else. vegas was filled with nothing but scammers and phonies who only come to get scammed in the casinos.

i was told by june herself that she doesn't like fancy restaurants since she's never been into that type of life style so i had to plan something else. i was rather nervous and anxious, yet i still had a bit of excitement inside of me. it was probably because of the two xans i had taken before our date.

"so, where are you gonna take her?" dev walks up to me. i shrug, buttoning up my shirt one by one.

"the high roller? maybe walk around for a bit first, spoil her and buy her whatever shit she wants then take her on the high roller." i tell him, emphazing on the "then".

"seriously?" he raised a brow at me. i look at him and scoff. i turn around to face him.

"look man, i've never been on a date, like ever-"

"clearly." he muttered under his breath, but i chose to ignore it.

"i'm trying, okay? june's the only girl i've really liked or ever been on a date with." i scratch the back of my neck nervously. i really shouldn't have taken those two xans, i was starting to feel funny. i'd be a shit person to be going on a date high as a kite.

"i think it sounds romantic." i look behind me and see june standing there, my jaw immediately dropped. she looked stunning. "ferris wheels are
my favorite." she giggled and walks towards me. she pecked my lips before pulling away. "ready?"

i nod and look over at the boys. dev looked annoyed while tayler shot us a thumbs up. i look over at june and take her hand into mine. "we'll be back around midnight." i tell them both as i make my way to the door.

"be careful joseph." tayler says.

"stay lowkey!" dev shouts. i open the door and walks out with june, closing the door behind me. we head over to the car and get in. i immediately drove off. as i drove i felt my hands get sweaty and shaky. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't nervous, i feel like i'm about to puke. i've never felt this way about anyone, ever. not even my ex girlfriend of two years.

her name was bethany. we had met my freshman year, she was a sophomore at the time. we never had one of those really romantic relationships. we mostly banged like rabbits and hung out only at school during at lunch. i never even said the L word to her. as a matter of fact, i've never said it to anyone, except my family but that's it.

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