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I open the fridge and check out the scarce amount of food in there.

"So you weren't kidding when you said you don't cook much, eh?" I say loudly, so Shawn can hear me from the living room.

"Why do you say that?" he says right next to my ear, which startles me, so I turn my head to look at him.

He's standing right behind me, his hands behind his back, his body forward so his face is at my level.

"Because! There's barely anything in here. What did you mean when you suggested breakfast?"

"What! Haven't you had enough back there?" Shawn says, and I can sense he's quite proud of that remark.

I turn around abruptly and say:

"I was only thinking of you, you lost quite a lot of protein."

He tries to keep a serious face, but I can see a smile creep up. He stands back up and walks toward a stool, where he sits and pouts, resting his chin on his fists.

"Scrambled eggs it is!" I exclaim, laughing at my own joke. "Do you have any onions? No tomatoes, I know..."

As I say that, I realize I know he hates tomatoes because of an interview, and not because he actually told me, so I stop myself in my tracks, and glance at him:

"Is it- Is it weird for you that I know that? Should I pretend like I don't know that kind of stuff? Or is that weirder..."

"Ah! Wow, I hadn't even realized. It's fine, I guess. You don't have to pretend when you're around me. If anything, the fact that you already know 'everything' about me just gives me an excuse to pester you with questions about you, you know, to make up for it..."

Okay. He basically just said he wants to know 'everything' about me, right? My heart skips a beat, and I pray he can't see that on my face. I lean over the counter to kiss him, and he happily meets me halfway. I get to cooking, and I feel right at home. Maybe a bit too comfortable for my liking. We have only known each other for a week... Or maybe I'm just a slut for luxurious kitchen appliances!

After we're done eating, I change back into my clothes from the night before — should I steal a hoodie? Can I do that yet? — and grab my purse. Shawn was cleaning up the pan from the eggs, so I appear in the kitchen and say goodbye.

"Wait! Where are you going?" he asks.

"I'm going back home."


"Already?" I repeat, sarcastically. "This is the longest second-date in recorded human history."

"So? Do you really have to go now?"

"I do if I want you to miss me and call me again," I say as I open the door.

I blow him a kiss and shoot him one of my iconic winks as the door closes behind me.

The elevator doors have barely closed when my heart jumps at the sound of quacking.

"Why! Do I keep this stupid ringtone."

I take my phone out of my pocket, and see Shawn's face light up my screen.

"Oh he's good," I say out loud. "Hello!" I answer.

"Hey Alice. I miss you terribly, and I was wondering if you'd like to see me again."

I can hear the smile spreading across his proud face as he says that, and I can't help but smile too.

"Hmm... I'm not sure, I'm pretty busy, you know. Not easy being on the marketing team of an insurance company. The only other person who could relate is, I don't know, a touring musician?"

His laugh is audible and I join him.

"So, are you saying we can probably find some time to get together?" Shawn asks me, a bit of hope in his voice.

"Of course. I know we said fuck the three-day rule, but that was quick!"

"Hey, I like you. Can you blame me?" he asks, rhetorically.

"I like you too," I reply, "but now I have to go, it's too windy to talk on the phone outside."

"Okay, bye."


Don't Wake Me Up - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now