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We finish our food as we finish our conversation. That last question brought us to the subject of relationships, and what makes them work for us or not. I guess we had our first fight, so it's normal we start talking a bit more about deeper stuff. Nonetheless, it all felt very natural, and since we agreed on most things, I think we'll be good together.

"Oh no, I forgot about dessert!" I say as I take the last sip of wine from my glass.

"Don't worry about it, I can go get us something quick. What do you want?" Shawn replies, already getting up.

"Uhm, how about ice cream? Or cake? Is there a bakery open still?" I ask as I walk to my purse, and take out a $20 bill. I hand it to Shawn and add "It's still my date, isn't it?"

He smiles, but shoots me a look. He's gonna have to get used to my stubbornness.

"Fine! I haven't had as much wine as you did, so I'll take the car and look for a pastry shop. You stay here, make yourself comfortable, watch Netflix or something. I'll be back soon!"

"Okay! I like anything raspberry flavoured," I tell him as I try to figure out his remote.

He sets everything up for me, and just as he leaves, he brings his hand to my chin, to lift it slowly like that first time we kissed. I smile approvingly, and he kisses me gently before leaving.

I'm alone. In Shawn Mendes' apartment. I'm dating Shawn Mendes. And it's going well. Okay, Alice, snap out of it. I start playing an episode of Friends, because those are always good, no matter when. I grab my wine glass and pour myself some more from the second bottle we opened. Wait, the second? I have had more to drink than I thought. It's making me feel a bit sleepy, and probably too comfortable for the situation I'm in. I'm starting to doze off when I hear the key turn the front door lock.

"Hey Alice, good news! I got us some raspberry cheese cake from this restaurant I've been to before, it's gonna blow your mind!"

I get up, trying to wake up a bit, and I walk back to the kitchen to meet him. I can still walk, I'm just a bit wobbly, so I lean on the counter to support myself.

"Mhmm, I can't wait to taste it!" I say, slurring my words a bit.

"Hey, whoa, are you okay?" Shawn asks, looking a bit worried.

"Uh? Me? Yeah. Top shape!" I say as I close an eye, flash a smile, and give him a big thumbs up.

"Yeah, I think I over served you a bit, I'm sorry. How about we go back to the couch, eh?"

Shawn wraps his arm around my waist and guides me back to the living room. I want to act like I don't need his help, but I love feeling his hands on me. I sit back down, Shawn goes and gets our desert, and a tall glass of water. "You're a tall glass of water," I think to myself as I watch him. He sits beside me on the couch, and I know he's trying not to laugh, so I take a deep breath, and centre myself to try and make my face look sober. But then, as we each eat our piece of cake, Shawn drops some raspberry coulis on his shirt, and I don't think I can help myself:

"Oh I knew we'd make a mess at some point. I never thought it'd be with the cheese cake, though! That's the least dangerous food we've had together! I think it stains. You'll have to take off your shirt."

"Oh really?" Shawn sneers at me.

"Hey, I don't make the rules!" I reply, as I prop myself forward to unbutton his shirt.

"Hey! Oh! Okay! Alice, I got it, thanks. I'll go get a new shirt, please drink you water, and I'll be right back."

"I'm sorry," I say, a frown on my face.

"No no, no pouting allowed," I hear Shawn say, and I turn back to face him. He's shirtless, and I can't help but smile and bite my lower lip. He knew exactly what he was doing. I barely have time to enjoy the view as he disappears in his bedroom, and comes back out with a t-shirt on, and a pile of clothes in his hands.

"Okay, Alice, so obviously, you can't go back home by yourself tonight, so please put this on, and you can sleep that wine off here."

"What? The evening is already over?"

"I think it's best that it is, yes," says Shawn.

I walk through the bedroom to get to the bathroom, where I change into the clothes he got me. I find some mouthwash so I quickly rinse my mouth and drink a bit more water. Oh my, I'm a mess. I stare at myself in the mirror and try to talk some sense into myself: "Girl. You stop this. This ain't cute." I leave the bathroom and lean on the door frame. I look at Shawn. He set up a pillow divider down the middle of his king size bed, so I give him a look:


"Just want you to feel comfortable! I can also go on the couch if you prefer!"

"No thank you," I say as I jump on the bed to get to my side.

We both get under the covers, and Shawn wishes me a good night before turning off the lights. He made sure I had water, an ibuprofen, and I that knew I could wake him up if I needed anything else. So we're both lying there. In the dark. I remove the pillow from the bottom half of the divider. Shawn doesn't seem to notice. I remove the one separating the top part of our bodies, and I whisper:

"Shawn. Shawn..."

I inch myself closer to him as he says my name in the same whisper. Our noses touch.


I move my face so our lips touch, and we start kissing. It's sweet at first, but it gets a bit sloppier than the first one, for many reasons. We're both getting into it, I feel him move his body against mine, and his hand is on the small of my back. At first, only our heads were moving, but now our two bodies are rocking like a wave. Then, everything stops. Shawn pulls away from my face, shifts his body back to his side of the bed, and I can see his eyes open wide.

"No, darling, not tonight. Not like this. Go to sleep, okay?"

I can't even protest, I've fallen asleep.

Don't Wake Me Up - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now