Who Are You?Personality Test!

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B.Make the notes into a song,it'll stick.

C.Study until your eyes beg for mercy!You are not failing this test

D.Study!Hah!You're too cool to study!

Question #8

What is most important to you?

A.Being the leader

B.Making sure everything is in order


D.Having everyone love me!

Question #8

Which is your favorite holiday?

A.Halloween,who dosn't love dressing up!

B.Thanksgiving,food and family!

C.Dia de los Muertos,remembering those you love

D.Christmas,snuggling up by the fore with those you love

Question #9

A man is holding a gun at you and is demaning to know the location of your friend.You..?

A.fight him!

B.Refuse to say,you'll die knowing your friend is going to be safe because of you

C.Give him a logical lie so he'll buy it

D.Try to reason with him,maybe he's had a rough day

Question #10

Which one?





Question #11

Which desert?


B.Ice cream



You have free Time.You

A.Dance around

B.Play a game

C.Read a book while listening to music

D.Call a friend and chat with them


Mostly A

Congratulations!You are Esmeralda!You are the Big Mama Bear and you protect your cubs,nobody would dare harm them.Never more harm you.You are kind most of the time but when you get mad that person better back up!When it's time to get serious you know when to put your game face on but sometimes you can be a total dork!Your sarcasm is really funny but can also be one of your most powerful weapons.

Mostly B

Cool!You are Erin,you are down for anything someone wants to do and you are very playful.You try something but if it's too hard you back down so you don't stain yourself.You are strong and are an excellent soldier.You are obedient most of the time but when you see something is wrong you don't hesitate to say no.

Mostly C

Right On!You are Nicole!You are the brains of your group,you are smart and very calm.Sometimes you can be quite a wall flower and you would rather to stick to yourself or sit back and observe.You always have great advice for others and you always think logically before doing something.You try to stay out of fights but when you are in one you would logically try to worm your way out of it by using your smart brain to make the person feel stupid

Mostly D

Awesome!You are Angel!You are the little sweetheart and everyone loves you or you will try everything to make them love you.You are a big social butterfly and you always have a smile on your face.Whenever someone is sad or down you are always there with a warm hug and a voice of a mother.You don't like to pick fights but when you need to you will mostly use your sarcasm and popularity to make the person back off!

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