Nikita smirked at the younger male's heated display and shook his head, keeping up easily with Ivan's hurried pace. "Sir, yes sir." He answered mockingly, giving a lackluster salute. Teasing Ivan has always been his favourite pastime since they first met all those years ago. Ivan was a sullen kid at the time. He didn't speak to anyone besides Gavriil and had a dark violence that simmered just beneath the surface. Like a wild animal. Cold and vicious. It was never hard to see why Gavriil kept him around. To look at him now, you'd never think he was the same guarded boy that nearly bit Nikita's finger clean off on their first interaction. Yes, Ivan retained the majority of his temper, but he also learned civility and control. Earned the Pakhan's trust and respect. And it was obvious Ivan was desperate to keep them. Reaching out, Nikita smacked his open palm harshly down on the top of Ivan's head, eliciting a surly "Ow!" from the male. Grinning, he ruffled Ivan's slicked back locks, making a mess out of them that was guaranteed to piss the male off further.

"On ne nakazyvayet tebya, ty durak (He's not punishing you, you idiot)" he chuckled out quietly under his breath before removing his hand from Ivan's head with a shove. "What the fuck Nikita!? Ty sukin syn! (You son of a bitch!)" Ivan hissed, smoothing his blond locks back into place as best he could. "You're a fucking child! You know that?" Nikita's grin widened as he continued forward, heading towards the foyer. "Keep it up, moy malen'kiy lev (my little lion) I love when you sweet talk me." Pushing the front door open, Nikita dug into his pocket and tugged out a set of keys. Spinning the key ring they were attached to around his index finger. "By the way, we're taking my baby." he informed the younger male that was still grumbling insults under his breath. Ivan paused at that and eyed the white Koenigsegg, with it's bold red leather interior, parked brazenly and inappropriately at the bottom of the stone steps. Raising a brow, Ivan gave him a mocking smirk before running his gaze over the car again. "What? Compensating for something Nikita?"

He'd hoped the insult would take a little wind out of the arrogant male's sails but Nikita merely grinned and unlocked the doors. "You're welcome to check anytime" was thrown over his shoulders before he slid into the drivers seat and waited for Ivan to follow suit.

* * *

This was risky. Far more risky than he'd initially expected it to be. No one would believe him now, but he always wanted to be a part of the Markov Mafia. The Markov name was one that inspired awe and respect in the everyday world as a prominent business organization, and then demanded that respect two times over with a lethal dose of fear in the criminal underworld. Betraying them was tantamount to signing your death warrant, but he didn't see his actions as betrayal. He was doing his part to restore the proper leadership the mob was lacking ever since Gavriil Markov took the reins. And when he succeeded, he would have earned his place properly and could be proud to be a part of the organization.

Glancing over his shoulder, he checked once more to assure himself he hadn't been followed. He'd been extremely cautious, but he knew better than to drop his guard just yet. Sticking to the shadows, he walked another fifteen minutes before he arrived at the back alley that would offer a straight path to his destination. A run down low rise apartment that was mostly vacate and housed mainly low level mobsters that weren't even Vory yet. Them and a few drug addicts and prostitutes. It wasn't so much a living space as it was a hide out and meeting place.

This one in particular was a location only known to him and the others that sought the same goal he did. Gavriil's fall. Or so he thought. But the moment he saw two figures cloaked in shadows, he knew the location was compromised. He'd been found. A nervous gulp left him and he took a step back. He could run. It was only two of them and they were still a distance up ahead. Chances are, they haven't even spotted him yet. His hand slowly moved to his back, palming the handle of the gun tucked into the back of his jeans. Hell, maybe he could even take them out. All he had to do was stay quiet and move quickly. He was confident he could fire off the two shots needed before they even realized he was there. He nearly scoffed. If this were really the low level of skills men under Gavriil's command displayed, then it was just further confirmation that change was needed in the Markov mob.

"Really now? You think you're that good a shot?" He jumped at not only the sudden voice directly behind him, but at the hand that was gripping his own and squeezing. "If you're so eager to fire...should we pull the trigger while it's still tucked in it's naughty little home?" He stiffened, going ice cold as the gun was pushed down a little more and his finger was directed to the trigger. The two shadows ahead moved and started walking towards him, the moonlight catching them in moments and revealing their identity. Ivan and Mikhail. Shit! "Jesus Christ Nikita, what doesn't turn you on?" Ivan spat is heated irritation, his eyes on the man pushing on his gun. Nikita laughed, the sound painfully loud in his ear, but he was not about to file a complaint. "When I find out I'll let you know." Nikita purred flirtatiously, making Ivan grimace. Then the gun was pulled free of his pants and out of his grip.

He took advantage of the small moment of freedom to turn, putting his back towards the stone alley wall so he could keep all three in his line of vision. "I'm not going to beg for my life and I have no intention of saying shit, so you may as well kill me now." he snapped out, eyeing the three of them down. Ivan's head was hung as if in thought even as he nodded and tucked both hands into the pocket of his slacks. His stance was casual as he took in the declaration. He unhurriedly closed the distance, than simply said. "Okay". Confusion and shock instantly clouded his thoughts, caught off guard by the quick agreement. "K..Kak? (What?)" He mumbled out, but anything else he had to say died on his tongue when Ivan lifted his head, the moonlight streaking across his face and catching on eyes that seemed cold and utterly void of emotion. Not even blood-lust shun in their grey depths.

Eyes of a natural born killer.

He didn't get a chance to react past that. Ivan's forehead connected with his nose and the moment he hunched over in pain, cupping his face as blood poured freely, Ivan's knee was slamming into his stomach. A pained cough wheezed out of his throat and his legs wobbled, begging to give out. They probably would have if Ivan's hand didn't find it's way to his hair, yanking him up harshly and electing a ragged yell of pain. A fist drilled into his chest, again and again. Something cracking beneath the pounding onslaught causing a blood filled cough to bubble up and fly out of his mouth. Fuck...he didn't know what he expected, but it sure as hell wasn't this. He'd heard rumours about the pretty boy Sovietnik, but one look at Ivan and he'd dismissed them as just that. Rumours. Oh how wrong he'd been. He tried to lift his hands to feebly ward off the attack, his mouth working to desperately take back his earlier words and ask for mercy.

 However, no sound escaped as he was knocked across the head and his vision instantly danced. Nikita shook his head in amusement and slipped a cigarette between his lips, lighting it up. It'd been awhile since he witnessed Ivan in action, he was oddly curious to see if Ivan's control was still as strong as Gavriil claimed it was. His amber gaze lazily rolled over to Mikhail who was pinching the bridge of his nose in clear frustration as Ivan delivered blow after blow to the mole. It was obvious the male was no stranger to this side of the Pakhan's right hand. "Cigarette, Mika darling?" Nikita asked, holding the pack out to the other male even as his gaze moved back towards Ivan. "I think we're going to be here for quite some time." 

- - - - - -


As promised lovelies, another update this week as a show of gratitude for the warm welcome back, the endless patience you guys have shown me and the lovely comments and votes! <3 

I love hearing from you guys as it never fails to put the biggest smile on my face. XD So if you'd like, leave a comment and a vote if you enjoyed the chapter! 


- Naughty

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