Please pick up! Please pick up!

The phone rings and rings until the line picks up.


His voice...


His deep voice sounds husky and groggy, as if he just woke him up.

"Hello? I really don't have time for this." He sighs, I can tell he's annoyed.

For some reason, I freeze. I have the perfect opportunity to talk to him for the first time in a while and I freeze!

"Alright. I'm hanging up."

"No! Jackson. Don't go." My grip around the phone tightens.

On the other line, it goes silent. He doesn't hang up but it just goes silent.

"Is that really you, Mark?"

His voice changes drastically. He sounds surprised and worried.

"Y-yes." I don't know why, but tears start to well up in my eyes. "I miss you."

Jin hugs me as I cry softly.

"Holy-I miss you, too. I miss you so damn much." I hear shuffling on his end.

He was in bed I bet. I woke him up, I feel bad now.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. You probably have to work or are you at work? I don't know, time is different over here."

"It's fine, it's fine. Who needs sleep. You're more important than anything. Where are you?"

I look at Jin. He shakes his head no.

"I can't tell you."

"Dammit! Mai and Namjoon right?"

"Yeah. But there's this really awesome guy who makes the best biscuits. He got your number so I can call you." I squeeze Jin's broad shoulder and he smiles.

"He's amazing. Give him my thanks."

"I will." I smile.

"Oh my God, Mark. I really do miss you."

"I-I know." My tears become heavier from how desperate and pleading he sounds.

"I wanna go back home and eat biscuits in your arms."

He chuckles.

"More crumbs, the better."

I laugh. Biscuits don't make crumbs. Funny, Jackson!

But, suddenly Jin and I hear a distinct noise:

The front door unlocking.

"Crap! I'll distract her, just finish up." Jin runs to the front door.


"What's wrong?"

"I have to go. Mai, she's back home." I hear Mai yelling at Jin from the couch. Instead of risking it, I run to the bathroom.

"Dammit. I don't want to let you go."

"I never want to let you go. I'm sorry." I wipe my teary eyes.

"Can you call again?"

"I'll try! I'll try my hardest!"

Mai's voice becomes louder, echoing in the apartment.

"Where is he? Where the fuck is he, Jin? Don't tell me he snuck out..."

"J-Jackson. I have to go." I whisper.

"I hear her. That bi-evil woman. Bye baby. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Bye Jackson." I bite back my tears as I hang up the phone.

"Where! Where is he!"

Getting up, I flush the toilet as I wipe my eyes. She'll probably believe it. I hide Jin's phone under the sink in the cabinet.

The door bursts open. Mai and her semi-naked body greets me, unfortunately. She's glaring at me, her eyebrows knit together in a frown.

"What is it? Can't I pee?" I laugh nervously.

"Were you talking to someone?" She questions.

"Nope. You must be hearing things. I think you've been around too many ducks. Quack, Quack."

She doesn't seem too pleased with my joke. And since she likes ducks so much, I sensor out her curse words as she yells at me.

"Don't *Quack* play with me. I heard your little *Quack*. You think you can *Quack* do this *Quack*, you peice of *Quaking Quack*!"

"Mmhmm. The quacks." I close my eyes and smile. Peaceful.

"Get in your room. Don't come out until morning!" Mai grabs my arm and shoves me into my room. My body thumps against the floor.

She goes into my room to grab my clothes so, I can shower and go to sleep.

"Under the sink." I mouth to Jin who stands cautiously in the doorway.

He nods his head and tells Mai he'll see her later. He says his goodbyes and leaves the yelling woman to me.

I end up getting slapped three times tonight and my ears are ringing from her repetitive yelling and cursing.

"Go to sleep. *Quack Quack Quackhole*." The door slams behind her once she exits.

I cuddle under my blankets and remind myself of Jackson's sweet, deep voice.

Deep as the ocean and sweet like honey, I love his voice.

I love him. I miss him.

Staring at the dark ceiling, I only wish that I could go home. I could be in his arms, cuddling into his manly chest as he plays with my hair.

Not fair.

"Biscuits!" I'm frustrated!

"Shut the *Quack* up!"

Aww man. I wish I can go home.

I miss you, Jackson.

Mark and Jackson talked to each other! Ayyyyeee! Will they be able to see each other again? Will something bad happen??

It's been a good run but "Yes Master" is getting closer to its end:') and when it does end I'll miss this story!

Thanks for reading!

Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now