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The next morning, as Maya walked to the counter to order her to get her food, she could feel people's eyes staring at her but she choose to ignore them. She was really famished and needed to eat before the whole world came spinning before her very eyes. Last night after the dinner, she retired to the bed almost immediately due to how tired she was.

While she stood waiting for her turn, she felt a hand encircling around her waist before leaning in and was trying to whisper into her ears but without thinking or considering where she was, she turned and gave him two resounding slaps.

The whole place went client for a moment. The tittering of cutleries stopped and every one turned to her direction. It was at that moment she saw who she slapped. Her lips parted but the words weren't flowing. Did she just slap kelvin in the public? She stared helplessly at him as she thought of what next to do. The anger in his eyes said it all as he could explode at any time. She wished she could change it all but it was already too late.

"I'm sorry" was all she whispered before running out. Rita who witnessed everything walked out briskly in order to meet up with her.

"Bravo Maya Bravo! You did a great Job inside there. I think you should be awarded" Rita mocked when she finally caught up with her.

"God! I don't know what came over me and you know how irritated I get when someone holds me on my waist. I didn't mean to do that" Maya replied

"Well, the deed has been done. I will say I am disappointed about your attitude. Kelvin was only trying to help you and that was the only compromising position he could think of. Just take a look at the back of your dress. You are drenched with blood or aren't you feeling uneasy down there? He was sharp to notice it and came to help only for you to slap him hard on the face twice in front of everybody. That was really embarrassing". Rita said.

Maya turned the back of her dress and noticed she was really stained no wonder why people kept on staring at her but nobody had the guts to tell her about it. She had forgotten to count.

"I have really messed up"

"Yes you have. Seriously I really need to find my best friend because you are definitely not her. What happened to that sweet loving and caring girl I knew back then? Without being told, I guess you know what to do". Rita said and left her. She had always been interceding for her but this time, she will allow her to carry her own cross alone.

She met him in his room with James talking to him. She had gone immediately to change before going to meet him. James tucked him and left the room for the both of them. She could see how sad and depressed he was and his head was bent. Could it possibly be that he was crying? She thought.

"Kelvin I'm really sorry for my actions at the restaurant. I don't know what came over me at that time but believe me, I am truly sorry" She apologized.

"Really? What happened to that fierce girl who never apologized immediately? God knows I have never been embarrassed like that in my entire life. I just realized that that stunt you put up in the eatery back in Nigeria cannot be compared to this one" Kelvin said pacing in the room up and down rummaging his hair.

"Please Kelvin I................"

"Hold it there because am not interested with your pleas" Kelvin yelled and continued. "I loved you Maya but you felt you could punish me for a crime I did not commit. Yes I am rich but do you know why I was so bent in becoming rich or do you think you are the only person on the face of the earth with a tragic past?" He asked and when she didn't answer, he continued

"My parents were murdered too because they could not pay the fifty thousand naira they loaned for my school fees. If you ask people who know me so well like Mr. Jeffery who managed my company when I was away to further my education and your boss, James, they will tell you my story. Despite all that happened to me, I didn't use it to punish people unlike you. Do you think your parents where ever they are will support this behavior of yours? Of course they will not". Kelvin said. Maya could feel the tears on her cheeks. She had never felt this badly before in a long time. She really did hurt him.

"I am really sorry Kelvin and I will do anything to undo this so that you can at least forgive me. I know I have caused you so much pain and I am sorry". Maya pleaded. She was crying now.

"The only thing you will do is to make sure I don't set my eyes on you ever again in my life. I don't know how possible that will be but that's what I want you to do starting from this moment. Leave my room now!" Kelvin barked angrily.

"Okay. I'll do just that. Goodbye kelvin. Just know that I am really sorry. I never meant for that to happen" the tears from her eyes fell like water fountain. Her heart was heavy as if she was grieving a dead person. She loved him but pride wouldn't let her. Now she has ruin everything. It was just the second day since she arrived Paris and she didn't even have time to tour the city. Well she got what she wanted and there was no changing. As she left the room, she found James and Rita in front of the room. They were probably eavesdropping. She tried to smile but her teary face wouldn't let her.
"I'm sorry to break this to you Maya but you are fired. You will get your sacking letter from me when we get back to Nigeria". Rita signaled him to keep quiet but he wouldn't listen.

"What Rita? She's a doctor and she knows the psychological trauma this can cause but she still went ahead with it. No one messes with my friend and go free". He said and went into the room before slamming the door.

"What are you going to do now"? Rita asked after James had gone.

"I'll go back to Nigeria this evening if that will make him happy. I don't want to cause any more havoc".
"I know and I believe you have learnt from it". Rita said and hugged her.

"I think she's outta the way so you can now get your man without any obstruction" Nina said

"How do you know?" Claire asked and stood up from the bed.
"Well, they had a heated argument today because she slapped him while they were in the restaurant".

"Are you sure about this?"

"I can't lie to you. I am dead serious".

"Thank you so much. I know kelvin very well so I'll wait till evening before meeting him. By then, his anger would have subsided". Claire said and laughed hilariously till tears fell from her eyes.

Chapter eight is ready😍😋

PLAYING WITH THE HEART | Completed ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora