The Play

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(The night of the play. CHRISTINE addresses the audience in a pre-curtain speech.)

Welcome, everybody. Thank you so much for coming to our production of "A Midsummer Nightmare About Zombies".

"And you're telling me this didn't win a Tony?" Michael asked. "Shocking."

It's been a rough week for all of us at Middleborough. That's why this play is so important— to bring this school together! To show you something special!

Jenna smiled at how happy Christine looked on screen.

I know that if Rich we're here, instead of the intensive care unit at Beth Israel, he'd say: "Go out there and show everyone the relevant power of live theatre!"

"The fuck?" Rich laughed.

(coughs) Costumes.

Oh... And thanks to Hobby Lobby for the costumes.

"That explains why they were so bad," Michael said.

Christine wanted to argue, but she knew that he was right.

(Backstage at the play. Everyone is getting in and out of costumes.)

Places, everyone! Break a leg!

"What happened to 'quiet backthtage?'" Rich laughed.

Christine's face flushed red in embarrassment.

(JAKE DILLINGER, on crutches with both legs in casts, glares at her.)

Not cool.

While everyone else laughed, Rich tried not to, but once again failed and snorted loudly. This made everyone laugh even more, even Jake.

(He shuffles off as JEREMY enters.)


Jeremy! Where have you been? It's so bad. Mr. Reyes made himself your understudy.

Isn't he understudying Rich?

He's both.

"And the man did a shitty job at both parts," Chloe sighed.

Oh god. Look, I've been thinking about what you said at the party—

Jenna clenched her jaw. "Back off, Heere."

I can't do this now...

But I finally understand! You can't go out with anyone because you don't know who you are yet. Right?

Yeah, but—

Well, I get that! And that's awesome, actually, because I felt that way too. I mean, I didn't realize that's what I felt, I thought it was just about being cool. But it was more than that. It was about being confident and understanding who I am... And I couldn't have figured that out on my own.

You're saying... I helped you do that.

Not you. This.

(He opens his hand...and presents her with a Squip.)

"Get that shit away from my girlfriend," Jenna spat, pulling Christine closer to her.

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