Chapter 13

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Isabelle's P.O.V

The morning air is crisp and cool as I walk outside into the breaking dawn. A few rays of light drizzle through the clouded sky, but the streets are still cloaked in shades of black from the fading night. I ruffle up my hair with my fingers and yawn, tugging my long sleeved shirt further down my arms to hide bruises.

It was only yesterday that I had been over at Alex's house and stormed out after seeing Zane. Unfortunately in the fog of memories he evoked, I had not considered my father, and when I got home, he grabbed and twisted my arm so roughly, you can almost see a hand print across it. 

Pushing the all to recent memory out of my mind, I clear my throat and shrug my backpack further onto my shoulder, beginning my walk to school. Since I left early, I am able to get past the bus stop before the kids are out, and make my way into the court yard while it is still pretty much empty. 

I glance around me and walk slowly over to a bench, covered in a thin coat of dew. Using my hand, I wipe a small portion of it dry and sit down, pulling out my book to study for my upcoming english test. I wave my legs slightly as I review the vocab and a few more people start to trickle into the yard around me.

It hasn't been but ten minutes that I sit before I feel someone stop next to me. 

"Hello! Um do you know where Mr.Robensens room is?" A soft voice questions me from a few feet away, tinted with a British accent. I glance up to see a short girl with pale skin and curly black hair looking at me with a friendly smile and a schedule in her hand. I open my mouth to say something but end up just sitting there for a moment looking at her, surprised someone is talking to me. She watches me but a second but then seems to remember something and steps closer, laughing lightly. "Oh, pardon me! My name is Brianna Havey. I'm new if you can't tell." 

She holds up her schedual and and shakes her head, flashing a cross eyed face.

I smile and laugh quietly. "Yeah, sorry Bri I must have been day dreaming. Mr.Robensens class is in the 500 building on the second story."

"Oh okay thank you!" She tucks away her map and glances at the bench next to me. "Anyone sitting there?"

I follow her gaze and tuck a strand of hair behind me ear. "Um, nope, you're good."

She smiles and sets down her bag, smoothing out her high-waisted skirt before taking a seat next to me. "Aw bloody hell," She murmmers under her breath as she realizes the seat was wet. 

"That's so British." I turn to her and grin. "Did you just move from England?" 

She turns to look at me and laughs. "Is it that obvious? I moved about a month ago but this is my first day in American high-school."

I nod and we carry on our conversation for a while, but soon the bell is to ring and she pulls out her phone. "Here may I have your number?" 

I stop for a moment, realizing the only reason she is being nice to me is because no one has told her all the stories about me yet. I take breath and swallow. "Yeah sure." She hands me her iPhone, the latest version and I create a new contact, putting in my name and cell.

When I hand it back to her, Bri smiles and gets up, grabbing her pack. "Okay thank you! I really appreciate it. To be honest I was a bit nervous." 

I blink, surprised that such a nice, pretty girl is unsure about herself. "Believe me, you won't have any trouble." And she won't. She is total in-crowd material.

She flashes me a small smile before starting to walk to the 500 building.

I run my fingers through my hair and stand up, putting away my study material before turning around, accidentally knocking straight into Heather, who's carrying a cup of coffee that sloshes all over her.

"Ohmigod I'm so, so sorry Heather!" She gasp, dropping her drink and trying to wipe off her jacket. 

"Here, I think I have napkins in here somewhere..." I start fumbling through my bag, but she narrows her emerald green eyes and stares at me. 

"Don't even try!" She hisses.

I swallow, looking around. "I'm really sorry! It was an accident."

"Yeah right, bitch." She throws her manicured hands into the air and starts to say something else but is cut off as Jace jogs up behind me, nearly scooping me up as he starts pulling me away.

"What the hell?" Heather raises her eyebrows at us and my mouth drops open slightly. Jace tilts his head as Heather speaks and looks at me. 

"Do you hear something?" He ignores her rude comments and smirks at me. I look down, trying not to laugh at Heather's expression. "C'mon." He takes my hand and pulls me away from her, leaving Heather shooting glares at us.

Once we are a few feet away Jace stars laughing and I shake my head trying not to follow in suit, knowing she will get back at me sooner or later. I look up at Jace and smile slightly.

"We are going to regret this in a week." He just grins and shakes his head. 

"Then let the war begin."

GUYS I'M SO SORRY THIS UPDATE TOOK SO LONG. I Promise it won't happen again, I've just been really wrapped up in school stuff. Updates mine be a little less frequent, but not this bad usually. ;)

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