Distraction? - Stefan Butler

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By the way, before anyone says "bUt StEfAn wOuLdN't dO tHaT" because he's shy and awkward. But the thing is, yes he probably would do some sort of thing like this. Stefan Butler is written as shy, awkward and a little bean. But come on guys, we literally saw him kill his dad, Colin, and Thakur. HE FOUGHT THE FUCKING THERAPIST FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Even if we did make some choices that made Stefan kill them, we saw Stefan kill his dad and Thakur without us even doing anything besides making a choice.

Requested: Nope

Warning: Big cuss words, adult sexual themes and poORLY WRITTEN SEXUAL STUFFFF


When the phone rang at almost two o'clock in the morning, you didn't really know how to react. You still picked it up anyway, hoping it was at least important if someone called so late.

"Hello?" You called into the phone.

"Hi, is this (Y/n) (L/n)?" A man's voice replied.

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Peter Butler. Stefan's dad. I need you to come over please, Stefan...he isn't well."

You've only met your boyfriend's dad a few times when you came over to Stefan's home, but never had a real interaction with him. Nonetheless, your boyfriend's dad started to explain everything of how Stefan was acting strange, more than usual. Apparently, Stefan had yelled at his father several times, Peter had heard several yells from his bedroom and Stefan never even bothered to eat.

Of course you were concerned for your love, but if it wasn't for the fact that Stefan ignores you nowadays. Almost every time you went to see him and check up on him and his work, the boy always seemed to be too caught up in his work to talk to you, much less even look towards you.

As much as you were a bit frustrated at him, you complied to Peter Butler's favor and started to make your way over to their home, after getting dressed of course.

When you arrived, you barely had a chance to even ring the doorbell before the wooden door was pulled open. You were met with the kind of familiar face of Stefan's dad and shared a small smile, to which he returned, awkwardly.

After Peter let you into the house, he quickly started explaining more.

"I'm very sorry to call this late, but I'm just so worried about Stefan. He won't listen to me, but maybe to you." You scoffed slightly at his words.

"I don't think he would. He's too caught up in that stupid game."

As much as you were supportive of him in his new job, Stefan spent way too much time working on it. Hence why were you here now. You started to grow jealous of the game and didn't even bother to come over anymore when Stefan started to ignore you.

"J-Just...please. Try something at least. I'll be down here just in case you need anything." Then Peter Butler walked away into the kitchen, leaving you to go upstairs.

You sighed and made your way up the steps of the house. With each step, you started to grow more anxious for some odd reason.

What if something really bad happened to Stefan? I hope he's okay. As much as I am mad him...I still worry about him. Just don't let yourself be pulled in by anything Stefan tries to do.

Without even realizing it, you appeared in front of the door of your love's room. Taking a deep breath, you knock on the door once. As expected, there was no answer. You knock once more, a few more times. Again, nothing.

Ah fuck it.

Basically not giving two shits anymore, you twist the knob and push the door open wide enough for you to enter. What you saw was something kinda unsettling.

Stefan had pieces of notebook papers stuck to the walls of his room all over, plates still full of food (some even rotting) were piled in a part on his desk and Stefan was hunched over looking at the computer just like the last time you saw him. He was even wearing the same green jumper.

"Stefan?" You called out to the brown haired boy as you shut the door behind you.

You don't know what you waiting for, it was pretty clear your boyfriend wasn't going to answer. Yet, you pushed on anyway.

"Your father told me that you're not well. I can already see that you aren't. But I just wanted to check up on you."

Since you hadn't gotten an answer yet, you tried one last time.

"Stefan, please talk. Please look at me. Please just do anything! I miss and I need you! I want my old dorky Stefan shy Butler back. I want— " Suddenly, you were interrupted by a force pushing you back against the closed bedroom door.

Letting out a soft gasp, you look towards the force. When you looked up, you were met with the sight of your love's angry looking face. Out of a little bit of fear, you gulped.

"You know what I want? I want a distraction from all this. After all these countless nights of being alone and being angry at this fucking game, I need some form distraction." Stefan confessed.

"You do know you could leave the room any time at all, right? To take a break? Why didn't you just take a break?" You questioned him, which caused him to let out a low pitched chuckle. A pit in your stomach formed, a good kind.

"There is nothing in the world that could fulfill what I needed as a distraction. Nothing to get me out of that chair besides you, not even my dad. Once I heard your voice, I knew I needed you. But I guess I just needed some good timing."

With his face in your neck, he started to press mini kisses on you, to mark you as his. The action caused you to release a moan, making Stefan growl a bit.

This side of Stefan was something you never saw before. You've known Stefan for years and you both had been dating for almost a year and a half. So how had you not known he could be like this? Not that you were complaining in any way.

"You said you needed a distraction. What kind of distraction were you thinking of?" You bit your lip, knowing exactly what the British boy was thinking of.

"Why don't I just show you?"

Fuck yes.


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