Reality (1) - Colin Ritman

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Requested: No

Warnings: Some profanity but I don't think there's much


Growing up, you and your brother always loved playing video games. To this day, you still played them together. It was like sibling bonding time for you both, since the two of you and your father had become distant since your mother's death. Although, you and Stefan were close.

Since Stefan got the job, he's been telling you all about the building, games and people he has met. Your twin had become one of Tuckersoft's best programmers, and you would be lying if you said you weren't a little bit jealous of him for it. Although, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, there was one main reason you desperately wanted to work there for.

Colin Ritman

Colin Ritman has been your's and Stefan's idol for years. He worked for Tuckersoft as well, so getting this job would mean meeting your number one idol. Stefan had already met him, claiming he was one of the best people he's met.

He's also pretty attractive as well

To make sure you landed the job, you worked tirelessly on your game 'Bandersnatch'. It was like an adventure game but the choices you make affect the path you take. You based it off of the book your mother had of the same name. You wanted to make your game as closely related to the book as possible and give the player a lot of choices, but it's lately taken a toll on you. You hoped it wouldn't really affect you while you were making the game.

There were still many pathways to do, but Tuckersoft's creator, Mr. Thakur, wanted to see the demo you had. You were ecstatic of course and today is the morning that you would show the. Stefan had already left this morning to go to work, saying he would be there to support you and your game once you've arrived to show it.

You were on your way to the company building itself, after having yet another awkward breakfast with your father of explaining the book a bit and taking your pills your therapist, Dr. Hanes, prescribed you. Stefan used to be her patient as well but gradually got better and stopped going. You on the other hand, were still forced to go by your dad.

Later, once you finally arrived at the tall building, you put your headphones and tapes away and you couldn't help but stand in awe at it. It was pretty tall, taller than some buildings you've seen before. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. You were very anxious, but none the less, you finally stepped into the building.

You made it to the area filled with people and desks added with computers where you thought you would be able to find the company's creator. Passing by a woman at a front desk who was answering and talking into the phone, you made your way farther into the building.

You then noticed a slightly large man wearing a stripe patterned suit walking around the area talking to some people. You recognized him as Mr. Thakur, the owner. He was talking to another guy while you slowly, but gradually made your way over to him. A few moments pass by and he finally noticed your presence.

"Ah! You are....Kaela!" He said.

"Actually, it's (Y/n). I'm Stefan's sister." You corrected.

"Yeah right! Sorry, mate!" Mr. Thakur apologized and smiled brightly, although his smile seemed rather a bit...fake. You assured him it was fine and looked around.

"Sorry for the mess, we just moved in not too long ago!" He says, noticing you were taking in your surrounds.

You listened to what he says when you stopped and noticed the poster on your right on the way. It displayed the words 'Metal Head' with some of the letters in a different order. Mr. Thakur followed your gaze and saw your interest in the poster. He pointed to it and said his next words proudly.

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