The Boy From the Record Shop - Stefan Butler

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Stefan might act a little OOC at times of this but not much. I used a prompt that I saw somewhere on Tumblr but idk who made it but creds to them.

PROMPT: "Yeah, being pretty must be tiring." "Then you must be exhausted."

Requested: Nope



For the past few days, you've been going to this local game and record shop that wasn't too far from your home. Your mum and dad never really minded you going to the shop on your own, considering you got exercise.

Your work at a coffee shop was stressful sometimes, so you usually came to look at the newest released records and games to relax. The times you came were after work, usually at sunset. But only recently have you started to go a lot more during the day because of one specific boy.

His cute ruffled dark brown curls and light freckles that covered his face seemed to attract you right away. But your favorite detail about him was his beautiful and almost sunflower looking, green eyes. They always seemed to switch back and forth between two records or two games. But the way his gaze always flowed between them, his eyes focusing on them, it made you crazy.

Needless to say, you had a small crush on the boy from the record shop.

How could you not though? It was almost like everything about him was fascinating! From his physical features to the few words you've heard him quietly speak. The way he barely talks and walks around shyly, it makes him even more attractive and mysterious!

Unfortunately, you're sort of like him. You were pretty shy at the same time talkative, then again, you only talked a lot when you got anxious and nervous. So trying to find a way to talk to him wasn't going to be easy.

Here you are now, wandering the record store like an idiot, glancing back and forth between the boy of your dreams and your hands. You had a habit of fidgeting with your hands, sometimes biting your nails at times.

Thinking back and forth at what you should do at the moment, your mind almost broke.

'Come on (Y/n)! It can't be that hard! Just make a conversation. Of god, what do I say? What do I start with?'

Finally, you worked up the courage and made your way over to him. You noticed he was looking through a list of records that he had written down, most of which you knew.

Looking through a box of records next to him, you saw the boy pick up two different record albums. He looked like he was having a tough choice to choose between which one to get, so you decided to take your chance to speak up.

"If I were you, I'd pick 'The Bermuda Triangle'. It's uh... pretty neat." You told him, and your voice caused him to look over to you confused.

'Neat? Neat?! That's the fucking word I use?! God dang it, he probably thinks I'm weird.' You internally screamed at yourself.

"Y-You listened to it?" The adorable looking boy asked, gesturing to the album he was holding. You sighed in relief in your head.

"W-Well uh...yeah! I-I noticed you were having some trouble trying pick which one to buy so I just thought I'd give you some insight on it. B-But of course you don't really need to listen to me. I am just some r-random stranger you met in a record store anyway..." You rambled on, anxiety filling the hole where confidence once was.

To your luck, the dark haired boy gave you a small, shy smile. You returned it of course but looked at your shoes almost immediately, feeling embarrassed of your rambling.

"Th-Thank you for the insight. I have a list of several albums and music to pick from but I-I just never know which one to pick." He admitted.

"No worries. I know that feeling." Your courage started to build up once more.

An awkward silence made it's way between the two of you, but you were too focused on the boy's gorgeous, colorful hazel eyes. As for him, the boy was still trying to take in your beautiful appearance, himself.

It wasn't until almost a minute later that you finally broke from your trance and stuck your hand out to the boy across from you.

"I-I'm (Y/n)." You greeted with a large smile. He mirrored it back to you, showing his white, pearly teeth and taking your petite hand in his slightly large ones. The hazel eyed man shook it firmly.

"Butler...St-Stefan Butler."

'Oh heavens, even his name sounds beautiful!' You dreamed in your head.

Suddenly, Stefan started to yawn a bit. And even when he's yawning, you can't help but gawk at his features. Without thinking, you said something you would later regret.

"Yeah, being pretty must be tiring." You added.

Finally realizing what you had said, you quickly covered your mouth with your hands. You could already feel your face burning to a bright red.

But Stefan kept quiet but his mouth soon formed into a smirk, a damn sexy smirk. This was literally the most confident that you've ever seen him, even though you've only seen him inside the shop.

"Then you must be exhausted." Stefan's slight smirk was still peeping through his lips.

Instantly, your face began to turn a brighter red and you failed to even stutter out random words. Stefan found this as a negative reaction and his smirk faded into a frown.

"I'm sorry! I-I was just...actually I-I don't know what I was thinking. I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Stefan apologized.

Breaking out of your flustered state, you waved him off.

"N-no no no! I'm the one who should apologize! I-I'm not very good at flirting and I didn't even realize what I had said in the first place." You explained, fidgeting with your hands once more.

The stunning smile appeared back on his face.

"I guess we both suck at flirting." The both of you laughed at the joke.

After chatting for about half an hour, you looked outside to see that it was growing dark. Your parents would be expecting you home and you had work tomorrow in the morning as well.

"As much as I would love to keep this conversation going, I must be getting home. My parents will be expecting me home soon." As soon as you told Stefan, his smile defaulted a bit.

"Oh well, should I be seeing you tomorrow then?" He asked, hope in his hazel eyes.

You thought about it before having another idea.

"Actually, how able you meet me at the café that's a road down. I work there from 8:30 to 3:30, maybe we could have a coffee once I get off?" You offered to him.

Almost instantly, his face started to burn a light pink.

"Y-yeah. Sounds perfect."

"It's a date then." You winked at Stefan, making him fluster his words much like you before.

Before leaving the shop, you gave Stefan a small wave. He watched as you left, your luscious (h/c) hair bouncing on your shoulders. Stefan let out a big breath that he didn't even know he held in.

Stefan then noticed he was still holding 'The Bermuda Triangle' album in his hands. After all that talking, he didn't notice at all. Stefan smiled to himself.

He couldn't wait for that date.


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