Chap 31 - First Task & Battle

Start from the beginning

*Later that Night Before the First Task*

Y/n sat in the gryffindor common room on Fred's lap as they made out on the sofa til Y/n moved from while Fred kissed her neck lightly. "I wish you've seen it Fred, ha Malfoy looked silly a fuzzy ferret. He ah~ Fred no biting on my neck for Godric's sake." She said while her e/c eyes looked down into Fred's brown eyes. "Sorry love, I just worried for you. Honestly you'll be fighting against dragons and nearly everyone is against you and Harry. What if you get hurt? What if you..." Fred was silenced by Y/n as she kissed him passionately on the lips in a french kiss then moved back after a few minutes. "You don't have to worry about me, Freddie just cheer me on with George, Lee, Angelina, Katie, Herimone and Ginny along with everyone else. I'm Hogwarts defender and lioness remember no matter how much I get hurt or fall, I'll always get back up. Always." She said before getting off his lap and laughed slightly. "You should take care of that Fred before bed anyway, Goodnight love." Y/n said smiling sweetly as she kissed his cheek before heading upstairs to her dorm to sleep.

*Champions Tent*

Y/n and Harry were now in their house colored sports robes and cloak with Fleur, Victor and Cedric. Y/n breathed slowly near her once changing area til she heard a whisper. "Lioness? You there?" A voice asked as Y/n got up and walked towards the tent opening. "Fred? Is that you, what are you doing down here? I thought you and Georgie were collecting bets on us five?" She asked while Fred spoke up. "I'm worried about you, Y/n. I know you said not to but..." Fred jumped into the tent and hugged his girlfriend while kissing her on the lips. Y/n's e/c eyes widened slightly but wrapped her arms around his neck gently and kissed him back only for them to pull away as a camera flash took their photo along with Harry and Herimone. "Oh, young love it's so cute..." Y/n glared at Rita harshly before stepping up in front of her. "Rubbish Rita, you did smear jobs of us all during those interviews. One day you'll know how that feels like as I crush you beneath my boot's heel as the beetle you are." Y/n said making the woman move back in slight fear while Barty, Dumbledore, Igor, and Maxime entered the tent as Dumbledore explained the rules of the first task til he noticed Herimone and Fred beside him. "Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger what are you doing in here?" He asked as they said they should go but not before Fred kissed Y/n's cheek once more. Barty got the five champions into a circle around him

Fleur picked first getting the Welsh Green Dragon, Victor got the Chinese Fireball, Cedric got the the Swedish Short Snout, Harry got the Hungarian Horntail and finally Y/n reached into the bag pulling out a mini Hebridean Black. "The Hebridean Black." Y/n whispered softly as Dumbledore explained onto the cannon til Filch fired it early making everyone look up at the man. "Ceddy!" Y/n shouted out before hugging her friend tightly as he did the same to her. "Be careful Ceddy." She said as he nodded slowly. "You too, N/n." Cedric said before walking into the arena. One by one the all competed the Potters hugged each other tightly when Harry was called up, Y/n could hear the chain breaking, the worrying shouts and cries yet she knew he'd be safe. "And lastly our final champion, Y/n Potter!" Dumbledore announced as the crowd cheered out loud. Slowly Y/n walked out looking around the stone arena for the Hebridean Black dragon then quickly rolled dodged when fire was blasted at her yet it caught her uniform cloak. "Go, Y/n, Go!" Fred. George, Lee and  everyone shouted out as Y/n threw off her cloak from her body. The girl quickly drew out her wand thinking back on her first year when she met Charlie Weasley, he taught her about the many species of dragons, their weakness, fire range, their favorite food to eat. "That's it Hebridean Black dragons, they love deer meat." Y/n said as she picked up a rock and threw it at a wall as the dragon blew fire at the sound while she pointed her wand into the air. "Accio Deer!" She shouted out loud then began protecting herself from the dragons fire until eight deer landed in the arena making the dragon chase after it's meal then Y/n grabbed her golden egg and ran out of the arena as everyone cheered out.

*Back in the Common Room*

Y/n and Harry were picked up by Fred, George and Lee as Gryffindor cheered them along with the paintings while Y/n and Harry tossed their golden egg towards their housemates. "Knew you two could do it, lose a leg or an arm? Pack it all in, Never!" Fred, George and Lee said laughing as Seamus held both golden eggs. "Shush! Go on Y/n, Harry open it!" Seamus said handing them their eggs as Y/n and Harry looked at everyone saying together. "You want us to open them?!" They placed their hands on the tops. "Yes!" With those words Y/n and Harry opened up the egg making an unearthly screech filled the common room. Fred, George and Lee dropped Y/n and Harry as everyone covered their ears til the Potters locked up the eggs. "Bloody hell what was that?" Y/n and Harry looked over at Ron as Fred and George moved everyone off, finally the boys made up and Ron walked over to Y/n as she stood beside Fred,George and Lee. "I'm sorry for what I said to you, Y/n. I've known you for years and I should not have been cruel to you." He said as Y/n looked down at Ron tapping her bottom lip before putting the youngest Weasley boy in a headlock hug and ruffled his hair. "Your lucky, I love ya as if you were my own family Ronnikins." She said honestly.

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