"That's what I've been told." Chris replied with the same smile.

April 4, 2014

It's 5 pm here in Los Angeles, and today is the day of the premiere, and I am beyond excited to see this movie. I have a feeling that Chris will be absolutely phenomenal. I have already taken my shower and dried my hair, so now all I have to do is go get my hair and makeup done. 

I've decided that I want a very simple hair style, and I want a natural classic looking makeup arrangement. After they are done fixing my hair and makeup, we get to come back to the hotel and pick up Chris in a limo. 

I have just left the hotel room, and I am now making my way to the elevator. Soon enough I am in the lobby waiting for the car to pull up out front, and just as I am about to sit down in the waiting area it shows up. I quickly make my way outside, and get inside.

About 10 minutes later we arrive at what looks like some sort of hair salon. I walk inside and am soon greeted by a really pretty girl with ombre hair. "Hello I am Sarah, I'll be doing your hair and makeup!" She says with a happy tone to her voice. 

"Okay." I reply giving her a smile.

"What do you have in mind?" She asks as I sit down in the chair in front of her. 

"I'd like to have a very simple classic looking hair style, and possibly a very Marilyn Monroe like makeup." I reply with the same smile I had earlier.

"Great, I have the perfect idea!" She says as she grabs a straightner and begins to straighten my hair. About ten minutes she is finished and she begins to pull in up into a pretty pony tail. 

When my hair is finished, she starts on my makeup. Sarah quickly applies a thin layer of foundation and powder, then she adds a bright red lipstick, along with some eyeliner and a nude eyeshadow. Just as she is about to finish, she looks at me with an intrigued face, "Somethings missing?" She stated more as a question, "And, I just can't put my finger on it." She then added.

"The look is perfect, what more could it need?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh, red nail polish." She says after thinking deeply for mere seconds.

Sarah quickly paints my nails in a color that matches my lips, and they quickly dry. After everything is finished, I paid, and made my way to the door, "Thanks for your time!" I said with a genuine smile.

"It was no problem, I hope to see you again." Sarah said returning the smile, whilst waving.

Soon enough I arrived back at the hotel, where I quickly made my way to Chris and I's room. When I had made it inside the room, I made my way to the bed room where I stripped, and unzipped the dress bag, quickly slipping the dress on. As Chris gets out of the shower, I make him zip the dress. After my dress is on, and I feel comfortable, I quickly put on my necklace and earrings, and then complete my look with a bracelet. 

Once Chris is dressed, we exit our hotel room, and make our way down to the lobby. Once we have made it to the lobby, we wait for the limo to arrive. 

Finally, the limo shows up and Chris and I get in, and off we go to my first movie premiere.


Dear Readers,

Thank you guys so much for the feedback it means so much to me, and it helps me continue this book. I would also like to thank you guys for all the reads, we have finally made it to 5,000 reads, which to me is incredible, I never believed in a million years that this book would get that many reads. Also, I plan on completing this book in the near future, this book will most likely and after Natalie has the twins, so I was wondering if you guys would be interested in reading a sequel, if so comment and tell me. 

I love you guys so much, thank you for everything!

-XOXO, Nicole

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