Chapter 20

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Natalie's P.O.V

After visiting my dad, we all went our separate ways. Chris, Brock, and I made our way back to Boston, whilst Layne drove back to Foxbourough. On the drive home, I contemplated all the decisions I would soon have to make. Obviously, I would need to find someone to walk me down the aisle, because by the time of the wedding my dad wouldn't be able to walk me down the aisle. Then, I would have to decide on a dress in New York. Finally, I would have to decide on baby names when the time came. 

Every stressful thing possible has all been crushing down on me at once. All I desperately want is some time to relax, a time in which I don't have to worry about anything. Hopefully, Chris will allow me to stay and relax in Boston.

As I was skimming through the radio stations, Chris laid a gentle and reassuring hand on my knee. I looked at him with a smile, and he gave me a sweet smile. "Everything will be fine, Natalie." Chris said with a reassuring tone to a voice.

"I'm falling apart..." I replied feeling a tear slide down my cheek.

Chris quickly wiped the tear away with his thumb, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you, but you already know that." Chris said with the same reassuring smile. 

"Yeah I do, but its nice to hear it." I replied with a smile. "I love you too." I added.

I loved when Chris took the time to tell me he loved me, it meant so much to me. The drive drug on and on, but soon enough we had pulled up outside of my apartment, "We can stay here tonight, if you want." I stated with a questioning tone.

"That's fine with me." Chris replied with a smile.

Once we had parked the car in the garage, Chris and I made our way upstairs. After entering my room, I quickly changed into pajamas and brushed my teeth. Once I was finished, I made my way over to the bed and got in. Not long after I got into bed, I heard Chris' footsteps coming up the stairs and towards my bedroom. I watched as Chris brushed his teeth in the conjoining bathroom, and then made his way to the empty side of the bed, and got in. I turned the T.V on, and handed the remote to Chris so he could pick the channel. He obliged and took the remote, and of course he turned it to ESPN. "Chris, I may be a sports journalist, but hearing about sports all the time gets old." I said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, I am just a bit curious about the Red Sox spring training." Chris replied whilst smiling at me. 

"It doesn't matter, actually." I said returning his smile, "I need to get some rest anyway, I wouldn't want to endanger the twins." I added.

"Okay." Chris said giving me a gentle kiss on the lips, "I love you." He then added.

"I love you too." I replied, whilst turning on my side to get in a comfortable position, so I could drift off to sleep.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of Chris talking. I looked around the room trying to find him, but to my dismay he was obviously missing in action. I uncovered myself, collected my robe from the chair across from my bed, and quietly made my way downstairs. As I got closer to the living room of the apartment, I noticed that Chris' voice was getting a lot louder. The funny thing was he wasn't talking, he was yelling. "Sebastian, please just do this for me." Chris stated sternly into the phone.

"Do what?" I asked loud enough for Chris to hear me.

"Nothing, Nat." Chris said with a stressed smile, "Don't worry about it." He then added.

"You're lying, Chris. I want to know what's going on?" I stated with a frown.

"They want me back in Cleveland by tonight, but there is no way I am leaving you, so I asked Sebastian to cover for me." Chris replied with a serious facial expression.

"Chris, just get on a plane, I'll be fine here." I said with a reassuring smile, "Besides, by the time you wrap up shooting in Washington D.C, I'll be there." I added.

"Are you sure?" Chris asked with a questioning look upon his face. 

"100 percent positive." I said whilst giving him a smile.

After I had told Chris that it would be perfectly fine for me to stay in Boston whilst he was in Cleveland,  I quickly got ready to drive Chris to the airport. When Chris informed me his was ready, I grabbed the car keys off the table in the foyer, and we made our way downstairs. Once inside the car, I turned the radio on to find that the XM station was playing one of my favorite songs, Superman by Five for Fighting. 

About 20 minutes later, we pulled into a parking place and got out of the car. We silently walked throughout the airport, and sat down in the waiting area. Not to long after we sat down, Chris' flight was being called. "Is it too late to talk you into coming?" Chris asked with a slight frown.

"Yeah, but you'll be fine." I replied with a reassuring smile, "Besides, you'll be back in a week." I added, trying to convey the bright side of the situation.

"True..." Chris said trailing off thoughtfully."

"You better go, or you'll miss your flight." I stated with a laugh.

"I love you, Natalie." Chris said with a genuine smile.

"I love you too." I said, and then gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

After the kiss, Chris hustled to get on the plane, and I made my way back to the parking lot, where I got into the car, and drove back to my apartment.

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