Chapter 6

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Natalie's P.O.V

Today was the day, I was finally meeting Chris's parents and family. Although I was pretty nervous, I was on the other hand, very excited. For Chris's sake I hoped that meeting them went great, because I didn't want to be unliked by his parents.

Instead of dressing up for meeting his parents, Chris advised me that I should wear something casual. So once I got my shower and finished my hair and makeup, I made my way towards my closet. I skimmed over my clothes for what seemed like hours, and then abruptly I knew what I was going to wear. I took Chris's advice, and finally put on a pair of American Eagle jeans, and a Boston Red Sox sweatshirt, since it was still somewhat cold. After I was dressed, I texted Chris to inform him that I was ready, to which he replied that he would be to my apartment in 5 minutes.

Just as I was picking up my phone and keys off the table in my foyer, my doorbell rang. I quickly made my way down the stairs and into the garage, where I made my way to the door. I opened the door to find Chris standing there in the exact same sweatshirt I was wearing. "Great minds think alike," Chris stated as he grabbed my hand and led me to the passenger side of his car.

"It would seem so." I replied, as I gave him a genuine smile.

When Chris got into the car, he looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked as he kept glancing at me with the same smile.

"I'm just happy that you finally get to meet my parents, after all they did raise me." Chris replied with a crooked smile.

"Oh joy!" I stated with sarcasm evident in my voice.

"We all know you love me." Chris replied with a smile.

"That's a proven fact." I said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly I was very confused, I didn't know where Chris's parents lived. "Where exactly do your parents live?" I asked, giving Chris a confused look.

Chris laughed. "They live in Sudbury."

"Oh okay, my bestfriend grew up in Sudbury." I replied, now knowing where we were going.

"Good then you know exactly where we are going." He stated as we came to a stop at a red light.

"Not exactly," I said with a smile."Its not like they put a big sign in front of your house, with an arrow that says Chris Evans used to live here."

"Actually, they do." Chris replied with a sarcastic tone.

"Sure." I stated, turning on the radio.

Abruptly an old song came on, so I quickly changed the station. "I happen to like that song." Chris stated sternly, while quickly changing the station back.

"How do you even know this song?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"Unlike some people.... I appreciate older music." Chris replied, turning the song up louder.

"I've never heard this song in my whole life." I stated, over the music so he would here me.

"That's surprising, how old are you?" Chris asked.

"I am 28, I'm not an infant, I've just never heard it before." I replied, giving him a smile.

"I'm 32, and I've heard this song." Chris said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, maybe I am an infant, and your an old man." I stated, laughing loudly.

"Okay, if that's how it is....." Chris said trailing off in a thoughtful tone.

About ten minutes later, I was starting to get irritated by the older music. Finally, I decided to be courageous and turn the station.

As I was turning the station Chris kept his eyes on the road, and he didn't notice me. But, once I had changed the oldies station to a Today's hits station, he quickly used the controls on his steering wheel to change it back. "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole." Chris stated with a smirk.

"Don't try to use Supernatural quotes on me," I said with a laugh. "Bitch."

"Jerk." Chris said with a small smile.

Truth be told, I had only changed the radio station because I wanted to irritate him. Slowly, as time went on, the songs started to get better. And, I sporadically knew one that came on.

Finally one that I knew word for word came on, You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi. "An angel's smile is what you sell, promise me Heaven then put me through Hell." Chris sung, while smiling at me every now and then.

"Chains of love got a hold on me, when passions a prison you can't break free." I sung back to him with a smirk.

"I'm surprised you actually know this song." Chris stated returning my smirk.

"I am actually an avid Bon Jovi fan." I stated with a smile.

" probably just think Jon Bon Jovi is hot." Chris said with a smirk on his face.

"Well, he is quite handsome." I replied, while returning Chris's smirk.

"More handsome than me?" Chris asked with a pouty look.

"Of course not." I stated while blowing him a kiss.

About 15 minutes later, we had finally made it to Sudbury. The closer we got to his house, the more nervous I got. We finally pulled into a driveway that led to a good sized two-story house.

Soon enough Chris had parked the car, and he was briskly making his way to the passenger side of the car, to open the door for me. Chris opened the door for me and extended his hand for me to take. I accepted his hand, and we made our way to the front door. By the time we got to the door, my hands were clammy and shaking, and I was super nervous. "Nat, there is nothing to be nervous about, everything will be okay they'll love you." Chris said as he knocked on the door.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've had to work on my school project, and I just got it finished, so I should be able to update a whole lot more. I hope you guys are still interested in the story, because I have a lot of things planned. Also, in feedback is great, so if you like the story please comment or vote!

Thank you guys so much!

-XOXO, Nicole.

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