Chapter 3

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Natalie's POV

After making a quick stop at Starbucks, I had now made it to my apartment. I parked my car inside the garage, and then jogged up the stairs into my foyer. I laid my keys down on the table beside the door, and proceeded with my daily routine of things to do after I get home. I walked into my living room, slurping down my mocha latte. I then picked up my phone from the tray, that was on top of the ottoman that sets in front of my couch. I then clicked to hear the messages, surprisingly enough I had 3, which was kind of unusual for me, after all I'm not all that popular. The first message was from a random company telling me to pay my bill, the second one was from my brother Brock and he was telling me that Dad was having a 60th birthday party on Saturday and that he wanted all of his children there, and the thrid and final one was from the devil I call Mom, in her usual snarky voice she informed me about my Dad's 60th birthday party and she said that she expected me to make an appearance. I sighed as I dropped the phone back down to where it had been.

After watching  some T.V, I checked the time on my watch to see that it was 5:55. I really had to hustle if I was going to look presentable for this date. I ran towards the shower, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard my phone ring. I back tracked, and answered it, not even bothering to look at the caller id. "Hello?" I said with a sigh.

"Always the same, aren't you darling?" I knew as soon as I heard the snarky tone of voice, who it was.

"Mom, I'm sorry, but I really don't have the time to talk to you right now." I said, clearly aggravated that she had the nerve to call my apartment again. I had no idea why I had given her my number in the first place.

"Natalie, you should give your Mother some respect." She stated, with a clearly annoyed tone.

"Can I please just call you later?" I asked, silently hoping she would allow me to.

"Fine, but you call me no later than tomorrow." She said, and then hung up the phone. How great of a mother is she? She didn't even bother to say goodbye, or I love you.

About 5 minutes later, I got a text from Chris. 

Chris: Something came up, would you want to come over to my house instead of going out? We can order pizza!

Actually, I was kind of happy that Chris and I were going to spend the night in, it would be much more relaxing.  So, I replied.

Natalie: That's fine. And just so you know pizza sounds delicious. :)

Soon enough he replied.

Chris: Okie dokie, I'll see you at 7. :)

Some of the things that Chris said were so cute. I couldn't help smiling when I read one of his cute texts.  After I had day dreamed for a couple of minutes, I decided to get ready. I wanted to look good, yet I still wanted to be comfortable. So, I ended up keeping my hair in it's curls, wearing a pair of yoga pants, one of my old Harvard t-shirts, and wearing a pair of comfortable Nikes.

I was sitting on the couch, watching 27 Dresses, when Chris rang my doorbell. I quickly turned the DVD player and T.V off. I then ran to the foyer, and picked my house and car keys off the table beside the door. I opened the door, and smiled as I greeted Chris. "Hey." I said with a wide grin.

"Hey, are you ready?" Chris asked returning the grin.

"Yeah." I said, questioning him with my eyes.

"Good, because we have a great time ahead of us." Chris replied with his signature smile.

The drive was very short, and soon enough we had arrived at Chris's appartment. After he opened my door, I followed him towards the apartment door. Chris opened the door quickly, and he then showed me to his living room. As I sat down Chris said something. "I'm gonna go order the pizza, make yourself at home." He said with a smile.

"Okay." I replied, returning his smile.

While he was gone, I started to look around his living room. After a minute or two, I looked over at the side table to see a large paper packet. I gently picked it up, on the front cover was a title, Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. At that moment I was completely stunned. My emotions were starting to overcome me, I didn't want Chris to leave, I had just opened my heart to him. And not only had I opened my heart to him, but I was also in love with him. 

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Chris came back into his living room, and plopped down on the couch. Chris looked over at me, and gave me a sweet and heart-warming smile. I knew now I had to ask him about the script. "So, you're reprising your role as Captain America?" I stated more as a question.

"Yeah...... how did you know?" Chris paused, and then asked.

"I saw the script laying on your table." I replied with a small frown.

"Natalie, what ever you're thinking is probably the complete opposite of the real situation." Chris stated with a serious facial expression.

"Really, because it looks like you're going to be leaving Boston for a while." I stated returning his serious look.

"That's true, but before I accept the role, I want to talk to you about it." Chris replied.

"What is there to talk about, Chris?" I asked, clearly upset.

"I want to know how you feel about me?" Chris stated more as a question.

I knew as I hard as this was going to be to say, I knew I had to let it out. "Sadly, I'm in love with you." I said, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"There is no need to cry, Natalie, I love you too." Chris said, before meeting my lips with his.

Sadly, I'm In Love With You (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now