Never Forget

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It was already Friday. Fridays had always been one of my favorite days of the week; because it was the last day with high school of the week and I had a weekend waiting for me. I loved Fridays so much because of that, but I did it after 3PM, when I had no more classes.

It was raining so much that day, so I caught the bus instead of going on foot. The bus was full of people, because of the rain. A lot of people used to do like me, to go on foot, but since it was raining, it was better to go by bus.

Even with the bus full of people, there was not anyone who I would have liked to sit with, therefore I sat alone. I did not care about that though, I kind of liked loneliness sometimes. I started drawing. Besides sleeping, drawing was one of my favorite free-time activities. I drew some landscape I invented myself, but I did not have enough time to finish it when I was on the bus, the bus arrived to school before I could finish it.

I crossed the school's doors hoping not to have too much homework for the weekend when I came back home. It was something almost impossible, but I still had hope.

I was dead wrong if I had really thought that what I wanted was what was going to happen. Because, since the first class started, the teachers seemed to want us to suffer, with homework. I mean, it really felt like that to me, do not give me to wrong.

The wished break came three classes after my arrival to high school. Thankfully, it stopped raining, so we could stay out in the playground talking and having a look at everything there. I would like to do that, I stared at things around me, and thought about them. The sun was kind of shining among the clouds, and we could see a little sun light. It was good because it kind of warmed the atmosphere.

I was eating a sandwich with Kathy, when I saw something that I did not like at all. Some new guys, that seemed to be like twelve years old, were bullying another guy of their same age. I could perfectly listen to their "conversation". They were calling that guy names and they were teasing and hitting him too. I had to act, to do something. I could not just stay still and wait. I knew my friend would not have agreed with me if I had told her my intentions, but I did not really care about that.

"Hold my sandwich," I told her. "One second, please."

She held it, and she stared at me with a "what are you going to do?" face. I walked towards those guys, and my friend tried to stop me. Anyway I told her not to.

"Guys!" I almost screamed, and, do not judge me, I was not violent at all. They stopped doing what they were doing to stare at me. "Stop it! Now!"

"What the hell are you telling us?" Answered one of them, laughing and facing me. "We do whatever we want to do, this isn't your deal."

"It really is my deal. Please, leave him alone. Stop this, you won't go anywhere with all of this. And, trust me, this might end up badly. You don't really know how you're making this guy feel. Leave him, and let him be here without you upsetting him. And, if I discover you ever do the same again, there'll be consequences for you."

The group of guys seemed to understand me, and I think that the fact that I was older than them, made them leave. I smiled timidly, and turned my back, but the guy who was being bullied called me.

"Hey!" He said. "Thank you so much for what you've done." He smiled, happy.

"No problem," I answered him. "It was nothing."

Then, I went with my best friend again. She was surprised of my reaction towards that. She was it all, everything. She gave me my sandwich back, and we started talking again. I was kind of angry with those guys, but the fact that they stopped made me happy.

"What you've just done is awesome," She commented me suddenly while we were eating. "Really, it was. You've just surprised me."

"Nah," I replied. "It wasn't that awesome. People should take care of their acts, you know. I wish they'd realize the damage they're doing to other people with their words. Something that's funny to me, might not be funny to you if I tell you that. People have feelings, sometimes we all forget about that..." I sighed and bowed my head.

We had to go to the rest of the classes of that day after our talk.

I was home, again. I was so angry with my brother Joel, because he had caught my headphones and he was not giving me them back. I wanted to listen to music so bad in that moment, so that increased my anger towards him.

I finally won the "fight", and he gave me my headphones back. My mom was mad with us because she said we were always fighting. She was not exaggerating, but the truth is that all siblings fight and argue. I am not far from reality if I way all siblings argue and fight. Some do it more than others but it is still the same.

I opened my computer and I logged into facebook. It was Friday, so I did not want to do my homework yet. Therefore, I decided to use my computer for a while. Most of my friends were online, but, something kind of surprised me. I saw someone connected who I did not expect to. Drew, one of James' best friends, and friend of mine too, was connected. He even chatted with me.

"Hey", he wrote me.

"Hi! How r u doin in that school?", I answered.

"It's good, thanks 4 askin. Hbu? I haven't seen u 4 ages"

"I'm okay. We gotta see each other soon, want to hang out?"

"Tomorrow a walk at 5PM would be cool, right?"

"Yeah, perfect"

"I pick you up at 5! Gtg, cya tomorrow"

"See ya!"

Our conversation had been pretty short, but it was great to talk to him. We had not talked for a long time, since June of that year I think. We used to be great friends; somehow we tore apart though. I was glad to hear from him, Drew had always been such a nice guy.

It was kind of funny how I told myself when night started that I was going to stay up late using the computer, and, after like thirteen minutes I was so tired that I went to sleep. High school had been exhausting for me.

I woke up in a great mood the next day. The first thing I did was to smile. Then I opened my window and looked at my garden. I took a deep breath smiling, and I was thankful for how amazingly the day was starting. I was not a very positive person, but that day I woke up so positive that I even got surprised myself. Do not wonder why, I did not know. I guessed later that it was because I was going to see my friend Drew that afternoon. Imagine you are going to see a friend you have not seen for, like three months; you would be happy, right? So, I felt happy.

I was looking forward to see Drew. I felt like a little kid when he or she is going to receive a new toy he or she really wanted. Or, like when a fan is going to a concert of his or her idol. Or, like when a footballer is going to win a prize. I was not in love with him, but I really missed him. I also was kind of worried because I had heard he had had a really tough summer.

I had had a tough summer, but with the support of my best friend, I could deal with everything way better than I would have done it myself alone. I had not talked with Drew, so I did not know how his summer had been. But, some days before I started high school, my mom told me that Drew had really had a tough summer. I felt guilty for not talking to him in all summer, but I have to admit I wanted to focus in myself and stuff. I wished to have helped him though.

You can imagine how happy I as, nothing the fact that I did not argue with my brother that day, not even once! It is a gain, talking about me. I have to admit I got mad with my brother easily. It was not something I was proud of, but I was kind of stubborn sometimes.

Thankfully, the weather that day was great! The sun was shining, and there were no clouds in the sky. I loved when the weather was like that. Some people love it when it rains, but I did not, I hated it.

I went for a walk after I had breakfast; I wanted to make the most of that sunny day, because I knew winter would come soon. I have to add that I loved doing sport. I usually run and walked for a while Saturday and Sunday mornings, and also a lot of days from Monday to Friday, but those days in the evening. It was an activity I really enjoyed myself.

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