~Prologue part 1~

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What happens when you move out of the state and you're forced to leave your best friend/crush behind? After so many years, you come back and hoping to regain lost time, but things have changed these past few years and people change... Meet Alexandria Grand Bell. At the age of 9, she moved, unexpectedly, leaving her best friend, Derrick Hayes, behind, heartbroken. Now she comes back after many years and she is a whole new person, mentally and physically. Alex is expecting the kind, sweet Derrick she left behind, but instead, she finds a typical jock and player. What happened to those promises? Were they lies? Why did she move? The only thing that runs through her mind is "You Forgot Me?"

prologue part 1:


"Where are we going?" he whined.

"Sshh! It's a surprise, now stop whining!" I scolded him.

He glared at me. "Easy for you to say; you didn't get hit by a branch on the way over here." He stated.

"I told you to watch out for the branches." I said with a hint of amusement in my voice.

"Yeah, after I got hit in the face." He emphasized 'after' and rolled his eyes at me.

I gave him a look that said 'seriously?' but since it was dark, I doubt he saw it. "I'm sorry okay? Now quit whining!" I said while trying to hide the fact that him getting hit in the face with a branch was super hilarious. It's just fun seeing him annoyed; the way he pouts...he is so much more like a girl than I am.

"I'm not whining, it's just dark...what if we get lost and-and we never find our way back home and we end up freezing to death and get hypothermia and die?! Or we could die of starvation or get bitten by a poisonous snake or worst! We could get eaten alive by bears, no no no- mutant human eating bears who only come out at night to eat kids like us then they-"

I cut Derrick off from his rambling. "We are not going to get eaten by bears because bears eat fish and berries." I said in a 'duh' tone.

He shot me a glare. "That's why I said human-eating bears." He said putting emphasis on 'human-eating.'

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I said sounding bored. "We're almost there and we'll get home soon. I just want to show you something now come on! You'll love it!" I finished excitedly.

He took a deep breath before replying. "Okay, but if we get eaten by bears, don't blame me."

"Derrick shut up; we're already here so you can stop worrying." I put my hands over his eyes to block his view. "Okay, now slowly turn around."

He sighed and did what was told. "This better be worth getting hit in the face with a-whoa! It- it's so, so..." he trailed off after he saw what the surprise was.

"Magical, amazing...awesome?" I started filling in the rest of his sentence.

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