Chpt(5): Its just a facade right ?or is it ?

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Chapter 5: It's just a Façade right ? or is it ?

      I stared in shock at Derrick while he kept an icy stare at Cory. I was very aware of Derrick's arm still wrapped securely around my waist and it didn't help as a upcoming blush slowly started to make its way up to my face due to the fact he's hot and very built.

"Dude, what's your problem? She's a fair game and I got to her first so back off." Cory spat at Derrick. By now, it was only us three left in the cafeteria.

"Technically, I got to her first and I know that I'm a better pick than you Cory so you might as well step out because this isn't even a competition." Derrick smirked mischievously at his friend. I could see the tick in Cory's jaw at Derrick's arrogant comment. I saw his hand curl into a fist and his knuckles whiten.

"You fucking bastard." Cory sneered before stepping closer to Derrick. Before I knew it, I was flung aside like a rag doll and I ended up sprawled across the floor.

Cory and Derrick were locked in a fist fight. I couldn't tell if one of them had the upper hand or not because the fight seemed pretty even to me. They both got in a few good punches and I already knew they were going to look really bad tomorrow. By the looks of it, I already knew that this fight wasn't about me and that it was a dispute that went farther back. I got up and ran towards them. Derrick was currently on top of Cory throwing punches at him and I lunged and him. Derrick ended up on the ground next to Cory with me on top of him. I quickly got off of Derrick and saw he had a surprised yet angry look in his eyes. "What the fuck was that for?" He asked while I walked over to Cory and helped him up.

"For you being an asshole that's what." I snapped angrily at him. I was tired of him being like this. He has no right to act like this.

"You're defending him?!" He asked incredulously.

"Yeah I am! I don't know what kind of dispute you two have going on and I don't want a part of it." all he did was ask me out and I can take care of myself. I don't need you coming in here claiming me like an object! You don't have any right to be an asshole. I yelled at him leaving the last part out of course for some reason those words wouldn't come out of my mouth. Derrick had an intense look in his eyes as he glared at me. We glared at each other for a few seconds before someone, a security guard I suppose, came over and said the principal wanted us in his office- yeah now they come.

The three of us walked down the hall to the office in awkward silence. As soon as we get there, the secretary tells Derrick and I to wait while Cory goes into the principal's office to tell his side of the story.

Derrick and I sat awkwardly on the chairs in the waiting room while the secretary was doing some paperwork. I was sitting across from Derrick looking around at random things, obviously trying to avoid staring at him. He was currently looking down with his head hung between his legs from what I can see in my peripheral vision. I kept looking at the posters and paintings around the area and looking at the secretary, anything to keep me busy.

"I'm sorry."I said. His head snapped in my direction he was looking right at me now. "What?" he asked confusedly.

"I'm sorry that you had to get involved in this, I really am " I said looking at his eyes trying to see if there would be some kind of emotion , something to prove to me he Isn't such a bad guy, something to show me he cares after all he did stand up for me, but he just nodded no emotion whatsoever

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He replied.

I but my lip nervously before finally spitting it out so I didn't talk myself out of it. "Earlier, you said that I was 'yours.' What did you mean by that?" I asked curiously. He studied me for what seemed like forever the same blank expression he's just so good at putting on.

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