Chpt.(6) Bonjoir! Jazmine is back !

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Chapter 6

"It's time to go honey." The Woman said. "It's ti-time to g-go hon- honey." There was a car horn blaring. CRASH! "Mom?" The little girl asked. She stood over her mom's body.. "M-mom? Mommy? Mom!"

She started yelling. I woke up gasping. My hands flew up to my forehead and I felt it wet with sweat. My arms and neck were covered with sweat too and my hair was sticking to my neck. I had the dream again. That same nightmare that I keep having, but this time was different. It wasn't as vivid as usual. This one was freakier because it was more distorted than anything else. I didn't see as much and all I felt was the little girl's pain and grief for her mother.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at my clock. In ten minutes, my alarm would go off for me to get up for school. I got up and went to the bathroom. I came out and looked at my phone and saw that I had a good forty five minutes to get ready and that it was going to be a hot day today. I decided to wear the button up uniform over a black spaghetti strap top as an inside shirt along with the skirt and my casual black flats.

After my shower, I threw on my uniform and put on lip gloss and eyeliner and I let my hair down. I went downstairs and greeted Lucy before I ate a quick breakfast that consisted of a bowl of fruity pebbles. I was about to ask her if Derrick was going to school because he didn't come down yet and we're going to be running late, but that's when I remembered I told Derrick that I was going to leave. And I am! Last night I made sure to send Lei a text asking her if it was Okay that I could stay at her house for a couple of days & pick me up today. My inner thoughts were then interrupted by a car horn honk.

I got up and went to look out the door and saw Lei's car. I rolled my eyes and went back into the kitchen to grab my bag.

"That was my friend Lei she's giving me a ride today, I'll be staying at her house for a couple of days to do a Project for a school, but thank you ......For everything Lucy."

I kissed her on the cheek as she replied to me " Is everything okay? I hope Derrick didn't scare you off or anything She asked with a concerned look on her face but something the way she said it told m she knew it wasn't just a school project thing making m feel guilty.

"No, Of course not .. I will be back soon " Except I had an unsure feeling in my stomach whether knowing that I might or might not come back but i just waved goodbye Opening the door ad stepping outside, but She smiled a real smile and waved back.


"Damn. About time. How come you never called me yesterday? You promised you were going to tell me what happened!Not to mention you telling me why you want to stay over my house not that I mind or anything." Lei scolded me. I laughed at her expression.

"Clingy much?" I teased her and she pushed my shoulder and glared at me.

"Talk. Now." She drove off In the direction towards school while I told her about the incident yesterday between Derrick and Cory. By the time we pulled into the parking lot, I finished the story.

"So, what do you think I should do? I mean, Cory's expecting an answer, but I don't think of him that way and Derrick is just giving me hot and cold vibes. I don't know how he feels towards me." I told her honestly while we made it to our lockers. "In my opinion, don't think about too much. Guys drive us crazy with their actions and we always try to figure out their intentions, but that's a problem with being a girl. We over think things and let ourselves believe in something that could be totally wrong. I think it's better to just be oblivious to things and never, and I mean never think anything of their actions." She advised me.

"And as for Cory, just tell him how you feel. You don't have to go out with him because you feel bad. Just tell him you just want to be friends." I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. "I am so glad you're here for me." Lei rolled her eyes at me.

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