Finding Light: Chap 25

Start from the beginning

He backed away falling back onto the couch. He quickly stood up and backed towards to door still looking at me. "I'm only trying to protect you." He opened the door and ran out. People stared at me like I was crazy before I ran out after him.

"Jack! Wait!" I followed him all the way down into the Slytherin dorms hearing our footsteps against the stone floors. "Jack!" I yelled. He was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, sobbing. "I can't hurt her. I don't care what you say!" He mumbled to himself. I knelt in front of him and took his hands away from his face. He jumped back, trying to get away from me. "shhh" I placed my hands on his cheeks.

"Elsa I-" I crawled into his lap, making his eyes widen. "I love you Jack. I know that we can help you. You just have to let us." I whispered. He placed his hands on my waist and pressed his closed forehead to mine. "You can't help me, I'm too far gone. The things he did to me-" "What did he do to you?" I asked.

"H-he tortured me. Played with all my fears..." He began.

-flashback- Jack's POV

"Now all you need to do is say these words." Said the man. I did, I repeated after him. He promised he would keep Elsa and my friends safe. But somehow I knew that after this transformation, he would no longer keep his promise.

After the oath was finished I sliced my palm open with the knife he handed me. I let the drops of blood fall to the floor. A new serge of energy passed through me. I fell to my knees and gasped. I felt powerful, I felt invincible.

I stood up and looked back towards the dark lord. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at me. I turned to face the window and I saw my reflection... yellow eyes. I was confused for a few moments thinking back to Elsa. Her eyes were red, not yellow.

I also didn't feel any different. I still loved my friends, I still wanted to protect them. The dark lord made a mistake by turning me. I smirked. "Wow, I have never felt this powerful!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air. He took a step back. "No." was all he said before he pulled out his wand.

I was held against my will as he flicked his wrist. "How-" I started but he cut me off. "This is going to be harder then I thought." He said before he hit me to the ground. I tried to get out of his spell hold but it was no use. The man grunted as he flipped me over. "I'm sorry." Before I blacked out.

I woke up inside a circle of candles with a gag in my mouth. My head pounded as I pushed myself into a sitting position. It was difficult, considering my hands were tied together. I squinted around the room until my eyes landed on a dark figure. "Finally, you're awake." We were in some kind of old crumbling building, and I began looking around to find someway out.

"There's no getting out of here Jack. Your yellow eyes are... a complication. Therefore my bigger plan will be pushed back because I have to find a way to deal with you." He stepped into the circle showing me that he was wearing a robe with a hood that covered his face. This guy really wants to hide his identity.

He grabbed my chin lifting me off the ground. He smirked before he threw me against the back wall. I fell to the cold stone floor with a yelp against the gag. I shook my head before I stood up. Suddenly the man's shadow began circling around me. His laugh echoed against the stone walls before he emerged from the darkness. "Give it up Jack!"

"Why am I different?" I asked finally spitting out the gag. "It happens rarely but once in a while, someone like you can be chosen." He answered me before he bowed. "You're going to be stronger then me. I mean that's not a problem, but you are still you. I need to change that." He twirled his hand around and black dust began to make its way towards me.

"Meet the nightmare curse. Took me years to develop it, since it had been band and all that." he sighed. "But I did it, aren't they pretty?" The nightmares gathered behind him, it was the same creatures that attacked Elsa.

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