Arriving at the beach I jumped out of the jeep and ran down to the nice hot sand. Flinging off my sandals I ran towards the water. This is what I have been waiting for! Ripping off my sun dress, leaving on my shades I screamed throwing my hands in the air.

The other girls ran to me throwing off their cover ups and flicking off their flip flops. "This is so nice!" Rapunzel giggled slashing water at me. "Oh no you didn't!" I yelled splashing her back. "The boys are staring." Vanellope muttered. "Let them." Merida said with a smirk. "Oh no." Elsa said with a laugh.

I looked towards the boys to see them charging towards us. Jack's eyes were trained on my sister, I had to admit her new bathing suit was pretty hot. Eugene stayed at the jeep and began unpacking. It must suck to have to be the most mature. Kristoff picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I shrieked and giggled as he went deeper into the water. "Kristoff!" I yelled as he threw me. I broke the surface of the water and gasped for air. I took no time to splash him in the face. "Hey no fair!" He shouted splashed me back.

He snaked his arms around my waist and pressed his lips to mine hungrily. "Easy there tiger." I said pulling away. "That's not what you said last night." he whispered into my ear. "You're gross." I said before sinking him under the water.

Jack's POV

I jumped towards Elsa splashing her before snaking my arms around her. "Why are you so beautiful?" I asked kissing her temple, then her cheek, her jaw, her neck. She moaned softly before she pushed away splashing me. She dived user water and started swimming away. "Where do you think you're going!" I shouted laughing.

Eugene started blasting music from his jeep when Eric, Ariel and Astrid arrived. I chased after Elsa who was swimming backwards. Her bathing suit... Was sexy, as it showed off her curves and her beautiful pale skin. I couldn't control my desire as I stared at her.

We swam all the way to a cliff before she got out. I followed after her, climbing up the hill. "Elsa! What are you doing?!" I asked. She turned towards me and smirked. "Jumping." she turned back around and ran before she jumped off. I was shocked as I ran towards the edge, but smiled as I saw her at the bottom laughing. "Come on jump you chicken!" She shouted.

I'll show her a chicken. I backed up before sprinting towards the edge, launching myself off. I did a flip in the air, using the winds help. Air whipped past me as my stomach did a flip. I loved the feeling of falling. My feet hit the water first before my whole body was swallowed whole. I let my weight drag me down before I started towards the surface. Gasping for air when I finally broke it. "Show off." Elsa muttered making me laugh.

"Hey look there's something down there." she said pointing to a dark spot on the cliff. She dived underwater and swam towards the darkness. I had no choice but to follow. We swam through the opening holding our breath as much as we could. When we came up to the surface we were both dazzled by the view. We had found an underground cave.

The walls were decorated in sparkling crystals. "This place is beautiful." Her voice echoed along the walls. I wrapped my arms around her. "Not as beautiful as you." She smiled as she turned around kissing me hard on the lips. I could help but get excited as I pulled her closer. She parted her lips and I didn't hesitate to shove my tongue in her mouth. She moaned softly causing me to pull her closer.

"I love you." she whispered pulling away. "I love you too Elsa." I watched as she reached up and undid the straps of her top. Elsa and I have never actually done it before. I waited for her to be ready, I guess this was her being ready. "Elsa are you sure you're ready?" I asked her not peeling my eyes away. "Yes, I'm sure."

She walked back towards me and pressed herself close. My heart hammered inside my chest as I kissed her, more softly this time. "I want this Jack." she whispered. "Me too."


Elsa and I walked back to the group hand in hand. I could tell she was hurt by the way she was walking. I managed to grab one of the crystals out of the wall, I was going to turn it into a ring. I was already set on marrying her.

"Where have you two been?" Asked Anna as Elsa laid down on her towel. "We went cliff jumping." I said pointing towards the cliff. I could help but blush thinking about what happened earlier. Eugene handed me two containers and two juice boxes as I approached the jeep. "Where did you two go?" He asked eyeing me carefully. "There's a cliff over there that we jumped off. There's a cave below." He smirked.

"I knew you two were having a little fun." I laughed. "Have you done it yet?" He smiled. "Of course I have." I punched his arm. "I know you ain't no saint! I mean have you proposed yet?" He shook his head. "I don't think she's ready for that." "Are you kidding Rider!? Yes you guys are young but it can just be a promise. She loves you man. Show her that you love her too." With that said I walked back to Elsa and handed her a sandwich and a juice box. "Your lunch your majesty." She smiled taking it graciously.

"I want to build a sand castle!" Vanellope said. "Don't build it too close to your boyfriend. Ow!" Kristoff said as Anna hit him. "I want to build one too." I said to Elsa as I finished my sandwich. I took the bucket and shovel from Rapunzel as I sat beside her. "You want to help?" She asked. "Damn right! Let's do this."

Digging into the sand we both built our lovely castle. Not telling the others that we froze the sand together. It was huge by the time we finished. "How did you get it that big!" Anna exclaimed looking at our castle. I took a glance at Elsa to see her nose in a book. "Magic." I said smiling. "You know you aren't supposed to use magic outside of school Jack." Vanellope complained.

"Yet my castle is better then yours." "Our castle." Punzie interjected. Rolling my eyes at her with a laugh. "Our castle is better then yours." getting Rapunzel's approving nod. Vanellope frowned going back to work on her castle. Eugene came walking over and grabbed Rapunzel's hand pulling her to her feet. "May I have this dance?" He asked kissing her hand. "Of course."


The sun began to set drawing us closer to the bonfire. Marshmallows were out, Kristoff was tending to his burns and Elsa was snug to my side. The stars started coming out above us making a perfect ending to our beach day. After Kristoff was covered in lotion he pulled out his guitar and began singing.

Popping another marshmallow into my mouth I stared at Eugene who was by his jeep freaking himself out. He wanted to propose to Rapunzel even though she wasn't quite old enough. It was more like a promise. Eugene caught my eye and I nodded smiling. 'Do it' I mouthed to him.

He finally came over and got Kristoff to stop playing. Pulling Punzie to her feet, he stared into her eyes. "Rapunzel, I know that we aren't that old. But I cannot deny my love for you." He got down on one knee and the girls all went 'Awwww'. "I promise to always love you. Will you do me the honor, and marry me sometime in the future." He then pulled out the ring and Rapunzel gasped.

"Eugene... Of course I will!" He slid the ring onto her finger before pulling her into a giant embrace. "Alright, now that the mushy gushy is over, can we get back to partying?" Merida said shoving another marshmallow into her mother. "Yes your highness." Eugene said with a bow. Kristoff started playing again as Elsa laid back into the sand.

I laid back with her and stared at the twinkling stars. "I'm happy for them." She whispered. I intertwined my fingers with hers and smiled. "I'm happy for us too. I love you Elsa." "I know." she said giving my hand a squeeze. "Would you marry me if I asked you? I mean in the future." she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes. "Not right now no. But in the future... I think I would." I couldn't help it but smile. "You're stuck with me forever my Ice Princess."

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