The passcode (Group chat)

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Shuri: Just to be clear how many of us know how to change the nanes?

Spider-man: So far you, me, Uncle Loki, Uncle Strange, Auntie Nat, Uncle Clint and Pepper.

I hate cheeseburgers: So Pep is Pepper now and I'm still Mr. Stark.

Spider-man: Yes

Loki: Let's do some name changing. The names are getting kinda boring.

Pepper: I agree

Black Widow: Let's not make it too long this time.

Dr. Strange changed his name into Sherlock

Loki changed I hate cheeseburgers' name into Tiny Stank

Tiny Stank: Hey I'm not short!!!

Spider-man: I saw you wore heels Mr. Stark.

Tiny Stank: And who said that the Doctor is Sherlock

Sherlock: I did

Spider-man changed his name into Spoiler-man

Hulk: At least he admits it

War Machine: Look who's talking.

Hulk: That was one time.

Pepper added Morgan to the chat

I hate cheeseburgers: Pepper why?

Captain America: Alright everyone watch your LaNguAgE!!

Morgan changed Captain America's name into Captain Language

Shuri: Nice one.

Captain Language: Really??!!

Morgan: Petey that passcode is so long

Spoiler-man: It has too.

Pepper: We can't risk your father figuring out.

Morgan: Oh it's impossible for daddy to figure that out.

Spoiler-man changed Morgan's name into Madame Stark

Hawkeye changed Pepper's name into Boss Lady

Black Widow changed her name into Mommy Spider

Shuri changed Hawkeye's name into Clinty

Clinty: Seriously?!

Shuri: What I can't think of a nice nickname for you.

Clinty changed Shuri's name into Vine Queen

Clinty changed his name into Clint

Madame Stark: Who else haven't got there nickname changed?

Loki changed War Machine's name into I broke me leg

Sherlock changed Loki's name into I died thrice

Boss Lady changed Hulk's name into Green guy

Green Guy: I can't believe this. THAT'S THE PASSCODE ALL ALONG!!!!

Vine Queen: Not even surprised he figured it out.

Madame Stark: He's smart enough

Tiny Stank: What's that supposed to mean

Madame Stark: Daddy the passcode is specifically designed for you not to figure  it out.

Tiny Stank: What's the passcode?

Vine Queen: Let's tell him.

Spoiler-man: Fine.

Tiny Stank: Finally

Spoiler-man: Listen up

Spoiler-man: The passcode is Mr.StarkIDon'tFeelSoGoodMr.StarkIDon'tWannaGo

Tiny Stank: Goddammit Peter!!!!!

Ant-man: That passcode is smart. Tony would never dare to think or even type that.

Spoiler-man: I'm changing the passcode in 30 minutes so go nuts

Spoiler-man: Spider out!!!!

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