A couple of references but Cap doesn't get it

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"Dude, I have this really huge test tomorrow and I need to study, like right now." Harley walked inside the lounge area with his laptop.

"You didn't study ahead of time." Cap arched his eyebrow.

"It's about politics and I'm not into it." Harley answered.

"Peter, Can you help me." Harley asked.

"Nope." Peter replied popping the "p".

"Why not?" Harley arched a brow.

"~Ooh, I wanna dance and sing Politics not my thing~."  Peter sang.

"What was that?" Cap said.

"Alright there is ~N-n-n-n-n-n-no way~ I'm missing out on this." Clint walked in.

"What's happening?" Steve asked.

"You won't get it." Wanda said.


"Wow, that mac n cheese really does smell good." Sam said, eyeing at Bucky's mac n cheese.

"Did I say you can smell it." Bucky arched a brow.

"I can't smell your mac n cheese." Sam crossed her arms.

"Half the taste is in the smell, you're sucking up all the taste units." Bucky said.

"Okay, I'll give them back." Sam said and exhaled after.

"What is wrong with you two there's plenty of mac n cheese for everyone." Steve said.

"You just don't get it." Sam shook his head in disappointment.


"Okay, are you ready?" Morgan asked Clint.

"Yeah, let's do this mini-boss lady." Clint said.

"You put this in your coffee." Morgan said.

"A spoon, your hands, your face." Clint started guessing.

"It's white." Morgan said the next clue.

"Paper, snow, a ghost." Clint guessed.

"It's heavier than milk." Morgan said another clue.

"a rock, a dog, the earth." Clint guessed.

"Are you stupid or something." Steve arched a brow. "The answer is cream."

"I know that." Clint retorted. "You know what, you just don't get it." 


"We're going on a mission, Peter let's go." Steve called.

"Alright, ~I'm coming, Wait for me~" Peter sang as he entered.

"Do you really need to sing?" Steve asked.

"You just don't get it." Wanda patted his back as the team went out.

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