Ch. 15 Princesses Shall Never Cry

Start from the beginning

'Second star to the right and straight on till morning.'

Holding a hand to my mouth, I screwed my eyes closed in pain, plopping down on the bed, crying.

Sometimes I couldn't hold in my tears. Sometimes missing my dad turned not only sad but painful - many times, for that matter. But this time, it was different.

Things as meaningful as this are not to be painful, and the ache on my chest, I knew, was caused by how amazing and beyond precious this treasure my dad had just given me was.

"I don't like seeing princesses cry," a voice spoke from the door.

I turned slowly towards it, and Justin's worried expression met my teary one, as he approached me slowly and sat down beside me.

"I'm okay," I mumbled shakily.

"Oh yeah, I can tell," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. I chuckled faintly, burying my face back into my hands in a matter of seconds.

Wrapping his arm around me protectively, he bent down closer, his voice a low whisper.

"What's wrong Camille?"

It took me quite a long time to reply, in which surprisingly he just rubbed my back comfortingly, waiting for me to speak up. I cried silently, yet those were tremendously heart-felt tears right there.

The weird thing is though, I hated being so emotional, I never liked crying in front of others but for some unknown reason, it was different now. With Justin.

Sobbing in his arms, it felt okay to cry.

For once I felt like it was okay to be weak, to miss deeply, to be broken over something that I obviously haven't been strong enough to get fully over.

"It isn't bad, actually..." I answered quietly, looking up slowly, then back down my right hand holding the necklace. "It's just a present from my dad."

"Oh, he's down there?" Justin asked, shortly looking back at the door.

I shook my head. "No. No he's not here."

"Oh... And where is he?" he wondered out loud, sounding genuinely confused.
I sighed, closing my eyes softly.

"He left me. Us," I clarified, then looking sideways at him and his shocked expression.

He stared at me warmly for a few seconds, probably unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry," he breathed out softly. "I didn't know it was like a... uh... a soft topic or- Well..." he stuttered. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I looked back down and nodded slowly, sighing again.

"That would possibly make me feel better," I whispered surely.

"Okay, well... what happened with him?"

I took another deep breath.

"He always said he would never leave me, you know?... He promised he would stick with me and love me forever, yet he didn't. He lied."

Justin remained silent, just listening.

"He lied to me and I don't know why, but today he sent me this," I said, handing him the star and watching him as he read the quote on it. "That's what he used to tell me every night before going to sleep. He said that that's were all magical and beautiful things are waiting, and that if I ever felt lonely, I could look in that direction and find whatever I needed. That was out phrase," I whispered bitterly. "But he left. He left my mom and I."

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