Start from the beginning

I knew he was just telling me how it was, but it still chewed away at the back of my mind. Marco was somewhat filling the void that Dimitri had left behind, and even if he didn't remind me of my late brother, I would have still cherished his friendship all the same. Losing that now would hurt.

"Hey, I'm just being realistic, (Y/N). Would you really want someone you care about being in the scouts? It's just a pending death sentence..." Eld's words hit me right where it hurt, and without a warning, I latched onto his arm.
"But...not you...You and Marco and Reiner, and maybe even Jean a little bit...Levi and Petra and Oluo and Gunther...Erwin...You're all indispensable..."

Now...I don't feel too good...

"Oi..." Eld stopped me in my tracks, barely a few feet from the male cadet's housing building, and pulled me off to the side, into the shadows. My body was wrapped in his warmth before I had the chance to comprehend what was going on, and I felt his cheek press against the side of my neck. " have my word, I'm always going to be here for you..." I could feel it. He wasn't sure of his own promise.

Returning his embrace, standing on the very tips of my toes, I squeezed him back.
"You better make true of that, Eldy...or I'll have to gut whatever titan eats you and kick your ass for lying..." I sounded weak, I knew that, but I didn't care.
"I'll hold you to that, little miss...Now, I have to get back to Levi before he tears me a new one...He's already suspicious enough as it is..." He tried to pull back, but I yanked him straight back down, not quite ready to leave the hug.

"I don't give a shit...that ignorant slut can just deal with it..." I complained, and Eld snorted into the crook of my neck.
"I...Do you even know what that..? God, you're an adorable idiot..." He snickered, finally caving and curling his arms back around me, rocking me back and forth. "Normally...I wouldn't be so secretive about it...especially not with the captain...but..." He trailed off, lifting me a little to stand on top of his boots.

"But what..?" I pried, pulling back just enough so I could meet his earthy eyes. "It isn't really any of his dwarfy business anyway."
"I guess it's because he's taken a shine to you...I've never really seen him so interested in a soldier before...let alone a cadet..." There was that hint of jealousy again, trying to hide within the cracks and spaces of his words.

Pffft, Levi? That's rich!

"It's cute when you're all jealous, you know? I don't half mind it sometimes..." I giggled softly, pecking a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Flushing a little, Eld tapped his nose to mine and set me down, moving in to capture my lips in a longer, more meaningful show of affection.
"Well...I can't help but be just a little selfish when it comes to you..." He replied once he stepped away, creating a space between us that seemed cold and empty.

"I guess I'll see you in the morning, then..?" I coughed, trying to will away the heat that was trying to scamper up the back of my neck.
"Bright and early. Stay safe, kiddo. I...Yeah, stay safe..." With one last; kind of rough, pat to my head, he was striding off into the night, and I waited a few extra moments to compose myself before starting my stealth mission for the second time that night.

"Marcoooo..?" I rapped softly on the door as I cracked it open at the same time, peeping in to make sure he was still awake. The first thing I spotted was a shirtless Jean, who flailed about to cover his manly bosom with his sheets.
"What in the actual high fuck are you doing here?!" He hissed, trying to hide his tinted cheeks as I slipped inside and closed the door.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you that (Y/N) was coming over? My bad..." Marco chuckled apologetically, shifting in his bed to smile at me in greeting. "Did you find that scout guy who was looking for you?" Nodding, I made myself at home and sat on the edge of his bed, leaning back into the leg he had propped up.

"Yeah, turns out I've got my first expedition in the morning..." I grumbled, noticing the way both of their faces fell.
"S..seriously..? So soon..?! I don't like this...You're under enough stress as it is..." Marco continued to ramble, his protective nature rearing its head.
"Oh, well, it was nice knowing you. I've heard that Levi guy doesn't have the best track record when it comes to bringing back the living..."
"What?! It's true!"

Narrowing my eyes at Jean, I couldn't keep up my usual rough persona with him for very long before I softened, letting my face fall.
"Well, yeah, I know that...but...I've lived out I think I have a shot at scraping by..." Murmuring, I began tapping my finger against my kneecap, replaying Eld's words over and over.

"It's just a pending death sentence."

"You look really tired, (Y/N)...Why don't you stay here tonight? You can take my bed, and I can sleep-"
"There's no fucking way I'm waking up to you spooning me, Marco!" Jean cut him off, and Marco snorted before continuing.
"I was going to say I'd sleep on the floor. Besides, you're the one who did that last time, not me."

I'm curious, but I'll let sleeping Jean's lie...

As the copperette started grumbling and defending himself to some imaginary audience, I brought my bottom lip between my teeth and glanced down at my freckled friend.
"Would inappropriate if I...slept next to you? I mean...I'm not really sure what oversteps normality..." I wasn't sure why it felt so awkward to ask that, but that feeling increased when Marco's cheeks lit up, almost seeming to dull the flickering lantern.

"U..uh...well...I, um...I don't see why not, if that's what you're comfortable with..?" He stammered, clumsily scooting over to give me the open side of the bunk.
"You're really out here making me feel like a third wheel. Rude..." Jean muttered bitterly, and Marco threw his pillow over the gap between their beds, hitting him in the chest.
"'s not like that! Just because you're cru-"

The pillow came flying back at an even greater speed, making a loud pomf noise as it smacked Marco right in the face.
"Just shut up and go to sleep! And don't wake me up in the morning when you head out!" Jean growled, almost violently rolling over and switching off his lantern.

Confused, but still appreciative that neither of them seemed to mind too much, I kicked off my boots and wriggled under the covers, shifting so I had my head resting on Marco's surprisingly loud chest.
" promise me something..?" I whispered, and I felt him not stiffly.
"S..sure...go for it..." He replied in an equally quiet voice.

"Promise me...that you'll always survive...Even if you decide to be a scout...just...survive, okay..?" I was sure I must have sounded awfully depressing, but I needed to hear it. The boy was quiet for a while, but he finally spoke after pressing the very corner of his lips to my forehead.
"You have my word, as long as you do the same..."

"Can you two shut the fuck up? I'll throw up on my nice, dusty sheets if you get any sappier..." Jean whisper-shouted, and I uttered a tired chuckle.
"That goes for you, too, asswipe...Promise..?" I waited a lot longer than I did for Marco's answer, but at least it came.
"Tch...yeah, of course. I'm gonna be in the interior police anyway, so that's a given..." He groused before softening his tone. "...Now get some damn sleep...If you wanna live, you've gotta be sharp, right..?"

Smiling, and glad to have gotten the responses I wanted, I nestled down into Marco's side, unbothered by the jungle drums that sounded off from his chest.
"Yeah, I hear ya...Night, guys..."


"Tch, finally...G'night..."

***I love?? Jean and Marco's?? friendship dynamic?? I love them so much that it hurts???
Also, is it obvious I couldn't think of a title? 😅***

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