Chapter 4.5 ( Water part 2, Water part 1 continuation )

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Sitting down the seat of the bus, Hyunjin looked at the sight beside him.

Seungmin was fast asleep while Hyunjin was caressing his hands. Seungmin was sleeping soundly while Hyunjin was listening to some music thorugh his air pods.

The inside of the bus wasn't crowded. It was only Seungmin and Hyunjin and the driver. Hyunjin engaged in some small conversation to just not sleep through the journey of Myeongdong to Han river.

As the bus got close to the Han river bus stop, Hyunjin started to slowly and carefully wake Seungmin up. Seungmin woke up a few seconds after. His big, glossy eyes stared into the orbs of Hyunjin's.

Hyunjin smiled at Seungmin and pinched his cheeks.

"We're here."

Hyunjin whispered to Seungmin. Seungmin yawned before being fully awake again. Seungmin pressed the button which signaled the driver that someone will get off.

The driver noticed the signal and slowly stopped at the bus stop.

Hyunjin and Seungmin both bid farewell to the driver, scanned their T-cards and got off from the bus.

The night sky when they arrived at Han River was beautiful. The sky was a mix of twilight purple and pink and a little bit of light blue. The sky was a perfect description of the galaxy.

Hyunjin heard Seungmin say wow and smiled.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"


Seungmin replied.

Hyunjin and Seungmin started walking down the shore of the river while the breeze blew through their faces and hair.

Hyunjin looked at Seungmin with awe when he was smiling. That precious smile Hyunjin wanted to treasure for the rest of his life.

"I want to tell you something."

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin with confusion in his eyes.

"I know this is a little sudden but... I love you... Your eyes sparkle when hit with light, your precious smile when you laugh, the sweet sound of your voice. I fell in love with you when you stepped in the door.

You asked why I'm single? I answered I was scared. But really, I was scared on confessing my feelings to you. Scared that you would dump me... That's why I tried to wait... I tried to wait for the right time but... I was scared that someone might confess to before me... And I don't want to leave you."

Seungmin was in shock of all the words that escaped Hyunjin's lips.

Seungmin didn't notice that he was crying when Hyunjin wiped his cheeks.

"Why are you crying?"

Hyunjin asked.

Seungmin didn't answer the question given to him. Instead, he just hugged Hyunjin tightly and securely.

Although it was muffled, Hyunjin could hear clearly the words 'I love you too' from Seungmin.

Although it was a muffled 'I love you', Hyunjin smiled ever so brightly.

"So... We're official?"

"We are..."

~Love Tutorial~||Hwang Hyunjin x Kim Seungmin||Starkook14 specialWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu