"There's an easy solution to that, dumbass." Bakugou laughed, almost finding his problem genuinely stupid. Kirishima's attention was caught as his eyes trailed to Bakugou's profile. "Visit them. They live in central, right? Shouldn't be too hard." He waited for a second of Kirishima's silence before suddenly jumping in. "You are planning to visit, right? There's no way in hell you're gonna go home and then not come back for another two fucking years. Hell, I actually won't let you do that." His tone suddenly dropped, less laughing at Kirishima and more actually getting ready to be mad at him. If he genuinely planned to just not visit again then Bakugou would definitely have a lot to say about it.

Kirishima smiled to himself, seeing Bakugou's genuine almost worry as sort of relieving. But it also reminded him that he was supposed to be leaving the next day. This was a vacation, and he'd almost completely forgotten that fact. The past few days had felt so normal that he almost forgot that he had his own house to go back to.

"Don't worry about that. Doubt I'll be able to spend a couple of weeks away from here now." The red head reassured, before continuing. He didn't know exactly how corny he would allow himself to go here, but there was definitely infinite possibilities. "Only thing up north for me is nostalgia. Memories, most of which aren't great anyway."

"Then why the fuck are you still there?" Bakugou asked, bringing his attention to the road as he realised that he was actually driving. He'd kinda been staring straight ahead with no real thought process other than what he was saying.

"I... Don't honestly know. Fear? I don't exactly enjoy being lonely, but I felt as though I'd never have any down time around here. But recently I've kinda been thinking, and I realised that... Maybe that isn't such a bad thing." He smiled towards Bakugou despite knowing that he wouldn't see.

Bakugou was silent for a minute, trying his hardest to process and understand what Kirishima was saying, which was somewhat hard. What was all this cryptic talk?

"So what is that supposed to mean?" He eventually asked.

"I can't see myself staying up there for long. Never have really, but now there are so many more things pulling me here." He continued his gaze on Bakugou, so much so that he could feel it.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Although he didn't want to risk making Kirishima second guess himself, he really did want to hear the answer to this.

"You." Kirishima blurted out, not letting himself think about it too hard. Bakugou was the only excuse he needed. Even just that one word envolved so many different things and the blonde knew it.

"Fucking hell," Bakugou's breath caught in his throat, not really expecting the red head to say that and be so nonchalant about it. "Blunt way of putting it." Hell, he barely expected Kirishima to be so open and honest.

"Blunt, but true. And manly, right?" The red head turned to face the road ahead, smiling to himself as he was clearly proud. He felt as though he had knocked Bakugou somewhat speechless, which was a nice thought.

They made it back to the house. Kirishima had started telling Bakugou about specific things that happened. From one of his mother's crying (in a good way) once he told her he actually liked someone to Aiko's husband literally saying he almost wished that he changed his last name to Kirishima.

The blonde didn't chime in too much. He huffed out laughs when he needed to and rolled his eyes whenever Kirishima said something warranting it.

As they pulled up to the house, his line of conversation changed slightly.

"God, I can't believe Ai just ran out like that. You'd think she did it on purpose. Bet she jumped at the opportunity." The red head laughed, close to cringing at their earlier interaction.

"Your fault for forgetting your phone in the first place, nerd." Bakugou stretched his legs as he got out of the car, firmly closing the door behind him.

"You're not wrong, but she totally would've found some kind of excuse anyway. If anything it's good that I left my phone, or else she would've run out saying something like 'lmao I just wanted to see your boyfriend' and then everything would've been ten times more awkward." He followed Bakugou down the path to the door, more tired now that he actually walked into the familiar warm embrace of the house.

The way Kirishima phrased that made Bakugou's heart genuinely stop in his chest for a second. To hear him say they were together aloud was strange, but it was a good kind of strange, the kind of strange that made him want to almost smile.

Bakugou took his jacket off and flung it over the rack that was at the bottom of the stairs, Kirishima's blazer following. The red head loosened his tie and undid his top button with a sigh, as if he could relax.

"I'm gonna change. When you're used to wearing shirts and sweatpants everywhere, randomly wearing a suit is strangely uncomfortable." He laughed as he started walking up the stairs before reaching his room and quickly changing.

Bakugou flopped onto the couch and picked up his Xbox controller, turning the console and the TV on as he waited to open up Netflix. The two were both tired for some reason, so they could just watch something and maybe doze off in the process.

"As if it's only 6 pm!" Kirishima came down the stairs and sat next to Bakugou on the couch, flinging his arm over the blonde's shoulders immediately, almost as though he had been deprived.

Bakugou grunted in agreement, letting his head fall into Kirishima's shoulder as he pondered.

Kirishima noticed that the cursor on the TV screen wasn't really moving at all, and Bakugou seemed unusually stationary in his arms.

"You okay, dude?" He asked without a second of hesitation.

"What did you mean earlier? Talking about how you can't see yourself staying at your house for much longer?" He abruptly asked after another moment of silence. Kirishima was slightly taken aback but answered to the best of his ability.

"I meant that I'll probably be moving soon." He said, thinking that it was obvious enough anyway.


"To central somewhere."

"What's the fucking point?" Bakugou huffed out with an almost sarcastic laugh, before realising how that question could've been taken. Kirishima's heart probably dropped in his chest for a second and he could feel it. "If you're going to move down here to be closer to me and your family, why don't we just cut out the middle man?" The blonde sat up, staring at Kirishima with such intensity that it almost threw him off guard.

"Bakugou... What are you trying to say?"

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