Nova nodded, wanting to be held by him also.

Zayn gently lifted her off from the bed, cuddling her to him. He rubbed patterns on her back, as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you Nova, my favorite thing is seeing you after a show. You know that, baby?" Zayn grinned, trying to make eye contact.

"Yes" Nova answered, poking his noise ring a couple of times.

She found it interesting.

Zayn laughed, softly pulling her smaller hand away from his nose. He didn't want her to accidentally pull it.

He adjusted Nova more as he sat down on the bed with her in his arms. She sat on his lap, snuggling into his chest.

"Why were you so tired today, bubs?" Zayn asked, pulling her closer to him.

"Jus' tired... and cold" Nova mumbled, sighing.

"I know and I'm gonna get you warmed up, hun. But are you feeling okay? you were sleepy yesterday too"

Nova shrugged, not really knowing how she felt. She wasn't terrible but wasn't feeling great either.

Zayn kissed her cheek, but quickly noticed how it was a bit warm. He then placed his palm over her forehead to feel more.

"N-no" Nova pouted, trying to move his hand off her head.

His hand on her skin made Nova feel too warm.. but she still felt cold at same time. It was confusing.

Zayn nodded, moving his hand. He then took a good glance at her to see if she looked unwell.

Her eyes were droopy and a little glassy but he couldn't tell if that was just because she was tired. Zayn didn't want to assume the worse.

"I think we should get a little snack then, you haven't eaten for awhile now. Daddy will make you something" Zayn cooed.

He then stood up with her in his arms, blowing kisses on her face.

"That sound good?"

Nova just stared at him, bringing one of her fingers close to her mouth.

She then slowly nodded.

"Answer with words, baby" Zayn reminded.

He didn't want to lecture her but it's hard communicating with just her expressions. The boys are always working on that with Nova.

"Yes, daddy" Nova whispered, rubbing her eyes.

"Thank you, babe. Let's get your blanket and then a snack" Zayn offered.

"No hungry no more" Nova sighed, pushing the plate from her at the table.

"Are you sure, love? You just started eating" Niall frowned, grabbing her plate and pulling it closer to her again.

In total, Zayn gave her 5 carrots and 4 strawberries. That wasn't even a lot and she was still struggling.

She only ate 1 of each.

"Not hungry" Nova pouted, before grabbing her sippy cup of milk and sipping some of it.

"How about you eat 3 more carrots and 2 more strawberries?" Niall asked, picking up a carrot and bringing it to her mouth.

"I okay" Nova answered, politely. She then moved her face from the carrot.

The two sat at the small kitchen table that was in their suite. The time was nearing 11 pm, and Niall was struggling to feed her.

Zayn left to go hop in the shower which left the job for Niall to handle.

"Is something wrong?" Niall asked, confused. She was always up for a snack so he didn't understand why she wasn't now.

"Tummy hurts" Nova admitted, playing with the mermaid blanket that spread on her lap.

"Your tummy hurts? Is that why you're not eating baby?" Niall asked, pulling her chair closer to his.

"Yes" Nova nodded, sipping her milk and looking up at Niall.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't know" Niall said, frowning. He felt bad.

Nova laid her head on his shoulder as she was close enough to him.

"Does your tummy hurt really bad, Novie?" Niall asked, making sure.


Nova truthfully answered, it wasn't too bad, just bothering her from eating.

"Okay then, well I'm going to get you to bed now, love. I can tell you're really tired. You still want your milk for sleepy time?"

Niall asked, standing up from his chair. He then picked up Nova holding her with the blanket.

"Yes please" Nova nodded.

Niall smiled, handing her the pink cup.

He kissed her forehead a couple of times, before walking off to the bedroom with Nova in his arms.

"Let's just go night night, Novie. Hopefully that will make you feel better. Maybe your tummy just had a bad day"

Hey guys, can't believe I'm finally back writing exactly a year later. All I can say is I'm embarrassed and sorry for those who were looking forward to this book.

To be honest, I guess the reason I stopped was because I was getting unmotivated and stressed from writer's block.

However, I am back to finally finish this book. This month, I've even been pre writing chapters so I'm on top of it and ready to get this story done for you guys. Anyways, thank you to those who still love and appreciate this book. xx

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