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OK QUICK- This is kind of what I imagine Aurora to look like because she's afro-latina and Cuban duh. I know I've said she is latina but I don't think I've gone more in depth of her ethnicity and stuff but that will come later ok. This update is long and I hope you like it. I will also add pictures of the other character's and what I imagine them to look like. A lot of them will be reality tv characters because I'm addicted to MTV and you may recognize them ok. Aurora will have like six or seven friends (from L.A. and Chicago) that will be mentioned so you'll get to meet them and see them soon. Ok on with the update!


Calum: you're late

Aurora looked at the text on her phone and could not help but roll her eyes. She was not that late. Only like half an hour late. And it wasn't like she was super far away; she was sitting in her car outside of his house. She had been for the past ten minutes.

Calum and her had been in constant contact since they had met at a month prior at the park and they were finally meeting up again. Aurora had been busy with being in the studio and Calum had done a mini tour with his band to promote their new single.

Aurora was so excited to see him again. They had grown so attached to each other, simply from texting and she loved the friendship they had. She had really grown to appreciate him because he seemed like the only real person in Los Angeles. Aurora immediately opened up to him and he did the same. He just always seemed to know when she was having a bad day and vice versa. There wasn't a day where they weren't texting, calling, or sending each other memes through Instagram DMs. She read the message once more and responded, letting her fingers hit the screen.

Aurora: i'm outside dork

She loved the sound of her nails hitting the phone, having gotten them done that morning after the Zumba class with her friend, Mei. The small girl had been trying to distract herself from the important news she would be receiving at nine p.m. that night. Aurora would be finding out if her new song with Halsey, 'Nightmare', placed on any charts. It was customary for any new release, saying the song was only released a week prior. It was the most important week for any new song.

After seeing the shit show of a song, it had been, Alex, Ashley and her had spent thirteen hours reworking it and they finally had a finished piece. They were all so proud of the song, but Aurora was still worried to see where it would place. Charts weren't everything, but it felt great to get recognition.

Aurora had already tried to dance out her nerves at Zumba, pamper her nerves out at the salon and was now trying to smoke out the rest of her nerves. As long as she could keep herself distracted, she would be good. Now Calum could be her distraction. She let the cigarette roll in her fingers, dangling outside of the car window as she stayed put outside of Calum's house. Aurora already was on her second cigarette already, but she could not help but smoke. She only did so when she was really, really nervous.

Aurora would have gone into Calum's house already, but she really needed to smoke.

The small girl wouldn't lie but it did take her a long time to find the neighborhood, especially to get past the security guard. He did not want to believe that Calum had given her the password to the gate. Maybe it was the fact that her car was from 2002 and made a loud noise every time she pressed on the gas a little too hard, but she was still offended. It was not her fault that she did not fit the aesthetic of the Los Angeles neighborhood.

"Hey! What are you doing waiting outside?" a voice called out, drawing Aurora out of the small haze she had been in. Cigarettes always made her mind feel foggy but she did not mind.

"Give me a minute," Aurora replied, holding up the cigarette in her fingers. She was almost done and did not want to bring it into Calum's house, especially not knowing if he was fine with cigarette smoke or not. She was planning to put a mint in her mouth, spray herself down with perfume and neither of those were viable options now if Calum was waiting for her.

Why Won't You Love Me?  | Calum Hoodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें