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In the bright morning, everyone in the household was woken up because of baby Tony's cries. Eddie and Laurie tended to his baby needs and once Eddie went back to the guest room, Richie was waiting for him in the bed.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." He was rubbing his eyes as Eddie lay back down beside him.

"Not morning yet. Go back to sleep." Said Eddie, covering himself in the blanket they shared. "Just helped with my baby brother."

Richie smiled at Eddie, who's eyelids closed because he wanted to fall back asleep again. "Cute." Richie whispered, and rest his eyes again. He wrapped his arms around Eddie from behind, tucking his nose into his shoulder to go back to sleep.

Eddie smiled.

Eddie was shaken awake before he knew it, and his shaker was none other than Laurie. She was smiling as Eddie's eyes fluttered open, he woke up and yawned.

"Wakey-wakey, Eddie." She spoke so softly. It was like she was speaking to another baby.

Eddie groaned but sat up. "Mornin'." He groaned. "What time is it?"

"Almost eleven." Said Laurie, and she walked a little to the side to reach over Eddie and shake Richie awake. The two boys had merely fallen asleep in the others arms. Thankfully, they weren't too obvious.

"I think you should talk to your father, Edward." Laurie had whispered to him.

"I will."

Laurie nodded, walking out of the room and handing Tony to Frank.

Before Eddie could stand, Richie wrapped his arms around his whole waist and pulled him back again. Eddie yelped by surprise. "Richie!"

"I couldn't help myself. You were right there." Richie nuzzled him, chuckling as he kept his arms holding the brunette.

"Get off me!"

"I don't want to."

"Please?!" Eddie was getting tickled. "Richie!"

"Is there a problem, Ed's?"

"Get your hands off of me!!!"

Richie actually, finally let him free. Eddie immediately stood up and glared at him, although there was a bright blush blooming on his pale cheeks. Richie smiled at him. He was so gorgeous.

"G'morning." He said slyly.

"Shuddup. Get out of the bed."

Richie sighed but stood, he walked over to the duffel bag he brought and pulled out two shirts. One of them was his black Star Wars tee, which he threw to Eddie to wear. The other was an avocado green shirt.

Before Eddie could go to the bathroom to wash his face, Richie grabbed his wrist. Spinning around suddenly, Eddie felt his lips being captured in a kiss. It lasted a second. But it had the brunette feeling all kinds of fireworks and butterflies in his tummy.

"You didn't have to do that, I have morning breath."

"I wanted to." Richie shrugged, letting him go.

He's going to be the death of me! Eddie thought when he turned around to walk into the pearly white bathroom.

It was such a pain for the Saturday to be coming to an end so quickly. Richie and Eddie baby-sat Tony, while Frank and Laurie did some work together on packing up their things for California. Before they knew it, it was five o'clock and Frank had settled down in his nearly empty office to catch up on work.

Eddie tapped on the doorframe of his dad's office, smiling lightly. Frank looked up, small reading glasses on his face.

"Yes, son? What is it?"

"I just wanted to, um, spend some time with you." Eddie said shyly. He was so used to not having regular conversations, especially with a parent figure. "We can talk about anything."

Frank nodded and gestured him to sit down. "Well, have any ideas?"

Eddie blushed. "I'm not really sure..."

For a moment, Frank seemed to think. Eddie watched as he closed his laptop and cracked his knuckles, creating cracking sounds.

"What's your favorite color?" Asked Frank.

"Uh, green."

"Green, huh? What does green remind you of?"

"Grass." Eddie said. "And Christmas trees." He swayed a little on his feet as he stood by the door, his eyes focused on his father.

Frank smiled at him and Eddie felt so warm because of that fatherly smile. He felt like the world was in his hands, cause he was right where he belonged. Talking to his dad about anything and everything. There was a comfortable atmosphere to him in the Kaspbrak household, and Eddie merely forgot about his mother and the police.

"Do, do you have a favorite color?"

"Blue, of course." Frank said. "Reminds me of my wife's eyes." He winked.

Eddie smiled. "Laurie is nice."

"She is."

"She's...better than my mom."

Frank motioned for Eddie to sit down next to him, and put a hand on Eddie's shoulder. The brunette finally reminded himself, like an idiot, about his mother who hasn't given a shit about him since the 80s. "How is Sonia holding up, Eddie?" He whispered to him.

Eddie sighed. "I don't know anymore."

"Why's that?"

"...Do you really want to know, dad?"

"I mean, I guess so." His father stared at him, waiting for an answer. "I'm sorry I left you, Eddie."

"You are?" His voice squeaked in surprise.

"I always have been... it's just... your mother, she needed you."

Eddie shook his pretty head. "No, she didn't and she still doesn't. Dad, she refuses to take care of me. She always has!"

"What do you mean, Eddie?"

"I mean, I have to survive by doing- by-" Eddie choked. He couldn't tell his father anything. He was so stupid. "I've taken care of myself ever since sixth grade, and she doesn't care about me."

Frank frowned. "And that's why you ran away to me?"


"Well, what about Richard?"

Eddie blushed. "Richie- he has problems at home, too. He wanted to come with me..."

Frank nodded. "You're good kiddos. And Eddie, I'm proud of you. Really. Just, things do get better. I promise."

Eddie laughed as Frank pulled him in an embrace. This was it. Frank loved him. And Eddie was finally really, really happy. He was on top of the world. But then again, Eddie doesn't know about Frank's condition involving mood swings.

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