Part 2

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The first arrival of first-year students was never noisy, on the contrary, the students were afraid to do something wrong, so that later they would not go to the group for expulsion. All of them were undoubtedly happy that they could be here, but it was the realization of this that provoked the question: "What will happen next?" 

 Then it will be much more difficult. The system of education in this school was built on the principle of competition. Constantly someone was deducted and therefore, only a few traveled to the senior class. 

If the student could still study at this school for at least a year - he was already becoming a significant figure in society. However, if the student was eliminated at the earliest stages, then in the future nothing was expected of him. The weather was familiar to the highlands: foggy and rather cool.

In spite of the fact that the last month of summer was outside, people had to throw something on top of themselves in order not to freeze. Morning - it's time to start a new day. However, in the hostels, with rare exceptions, it was quiet. 

In this painful and at the same time blissful silence. If one listens, one could hear human voices coming from time to time from the rooms. One of the larks who did not sleep at this time was Vlad, who had traded sleep for a cold shower.

Just imagine: cold streams of water, flowing down the body just awakened, heated from the stuffiness in the room. Vlad had no belongings with him - all the luggage had to be delivered the next day. And therefore, turning into a towel only, the brunet left the shower and went to his room. 

"Yan, wake up," he heard a familiar female voice behind the door. A strange voice did not bother him at all, because he was still in his room.

Therefore, the guy, jerking the iron handle, pushed the wooden door forward. The creaking of the loops and the trampling of men's legs forced the girl sitting on the nightstand next to the bed of the new neighbor Vlad to turn around. The dark-haired girl thoughtfully focused her attention on Vlad's face, after which she looked down slightly and looked into his eyes again. 

"And here you are?", the girl did not look embarrassed or at least a little confused. She rather stated a fact. 

 "I live here," Vlad calmly nodded, just not greatly surprised at the appearance of this girl in his dwelling. 

Generally, when he first realized that Jan was his neighbor, he immediately realized that from now on they would often meet with a grumpy sister: "My name is Vlad." 

 "Yana," the girl turned away and continued the process. Clutching at her brother's blanket, she abruptly lifted him up.

 "Get up," she said, trying to wake Yang, "I learned that the next test begins in an hour, and if you don't get up, you will go home!" 

 "If you hint that I can go there without you," Yana's eyes opened and slipped off her sister's face and switched to Vlad, "I agree," the black-haired boy smiled and winked at Vlad, apologizing for his younger one. 

"Very funny," answered Yana sarcastically, narrowing her eyes. The girl released the blanket from her hand and it slowly fell on her brother's half-naked body. It was necessary to say that Vlad and Yang were in good physical shape. So good that some schoolchildren of their age could only dream of it.

 "But I'm serious. I looked at the schedule of past years. Now there will be a rise, breakfast, then a ruler. If you are at least somewhere late, your rating will suffer."

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