Seeing the fragile state of Yeosang on the ground, she wastes no time in deciding her next move. Tightening the string of her hood around her face to make sure it doesn't fall off and putting down her paper bag somewhere safe, she sprints to the central square, passing by the bystanders. She jumps off the ground and lands a kick on the back of one of the offenders, causing him to fall forward and the other two to be looking around in frantic search of the sudden appearance of another threat. They finally ignore Yeosang and gang up on her, and she does a little gesture to ask them to come for her instead.

They follow her lead, and soon it's a one versus three fight, but instead of Yeosang, Akira is leading the one-man show, clicking her tongue in displeasure when they throw messy punches and kicks, missing her body every time. She might have thrown away her title as the general, but it's obvious that her skills are going nowhere. Weapon or no weapon, I survive.

She eyes her opponents, who seem to be surprised that their new victim turned out to be a good fighter, and she notes that they're no longer strong to fight. The one with the red hair drops to the floor first, writhing in pain as he clutches his stomach at the place where she kicked him, while another one that has a visible stubble runs away while screaming in pain and the last one shakes his head frantically, lifting up his hands in surrender.

"The next time you try to pick up a fight, don't be a coward and fight fairly. Don't fight three against one, that's not nice," she hisses to the remaining two and they say nothing. Their only response is by running away from the mess they created in the first place.

She looks over her shoulders to see Yeosang still sprawled on the ground. When she sees that people are starting to crowd around him to help him stand up, she steps away, making sure that her hood is still securely placed on top of her head.

"Wait," he suddenly croaks as his body was held up by a person, his arm draped across the helper's shoulders. "Thank... you for... helping me."

She doesn't turn around for fear of him recognizing her and only waves him away from over her shoulder. She is ready to step away but his voice stops her again, asking her to wait for a moment.

"How... can I repay you?" He wipes the blood from his mouth with his sleeve before he tries to advance to her, but it proves to be hard because his steps are unstable. He stays rooted to the spot, hoping that his rescuer would turn around. "You're the only one who stepped in to help me when I was almost gone; there has to be somehow... I can repay you." He winces as pain shoots up his torso.

With her back still directed towards him, she keeps waving him away, but it's obvious that he won't budge. Knowing that she cannot afford to say anything, she decides in a heartbeat to escape; she sprints off, making sure to grab the grocery bag with her. She receives another desperate call from Yeosang for her to stop, but she pays no attention.

If we happen to see each other in town, just move on. Don't bother to try and pretend like we know each other.

Yeosang staggers forward to hold on to his saviour, but the person proves to be too fast for him. Before he can call out again, the figure disappears behind the row of sellers, bringing together the evidence of the act of rescue, leaving him behind with cuts and bruises all over his face and body.


Hongjoong is just about to carve the name of the buyer on the handle of the dagger he's moulding as requested when he hears the distant screeching of a carriage's wheel stopping. Intrigued, he puts down the dagger before opening the door to his hut, trying to outstretch his neck to look past the garden. They are not expecting any guest to come to the palace, so he finds it unusual that a carriage is entering the compound. When he finally sees the carriage, his forehead creases as he notes that it's one of the shuttle carriages that go to and from town. It could be the other palace occupants who just returned from their trip to town, but he still finds himself closing his hut door and making his way to the carriage out of curiousity.

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