25- Memories

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"Is it done?"

"Yes." I responded to him, confident and clear. Exactly as he had trained me to do.

"You are a good liar. But what else would I expect from my prodigy?"

"Nothing but the best, Master." My voice did not waver. I had stopped showing emotion long ago. But inside, I was afraid. I had seen what he could do.

"I assume that hiding it was the easiest part. Where is it located now?"

"Sybin's mouth."

"Ah. A very good choice. And how will I retrieve it?"

"You will not. I will. In a different lifetime, of course. The boy. He will kill me. And I will bring the key to you." I had been planning this for a long, long time.

"No one knows, right? About the chains."

"No." Respond without hesitation. That was rule number one.

"Good. Our trap is set. The pawns are in place." I turned away, but he called me back. "One more thing."

"Anything for you, Master." Being polite was a good way to avoid being killed.

"Introduce him to Nyx."

The One Who Was ChainedWhere stories live. Discover now