"You know what hurts the most Brodie, would you believe it's not actually the fact that your going back to Australia!" She spat bitterly.
"No it's the fact that you kept it from me, that you had plenty of times to tell me and you just didn't!? I'm your girlfriend Brodie! What were you planning on doing in a weeks time? Just LEAVING?"
"I could've spent these last few months with you, spending time with you more, spending time with all our friends as a group more before you left BUT NO! Your selfish and you kept it to yourself."
"I thought my dad would've changed his mind, or my mam would've gotten better and she didn't! Do you think I want to leave Adelaide!? And I didn't want any of you to pity me or make a fuss.." he retaliated.
"YOU STILL SHOULD'VE TOLD ME" Adelaide screamed. She felt dizzy and couldn't see straight. 
"I couldn't!" He yelled back becoming more frustrated. Adelaide was holding back sobs.
"That's no excuse." She picked up her bag and walked towards the door.

"Bye Brodie" she muttered trying to open the door. He reached out over her shoulder and slammed the door, leaving Adelaide pinned against it.
"Don't leave, not yet." He pleaded.
"What more is there to say?"
"What so that's it!? We're finished?" He interrogated.
Adelaide didn't say anything. Truth be told, she didn't know. She didn't know how she could possibly have a relationship with Brodie if he was moving away, especially now.
"You can't just walk out on me." He pleaded.
"Fuck you Brodie, I'm not the one walking out on you! Your the one who chose not to tell me you were leaving! Your the one walking out on me!"

Emotions were running high, neither knew how to deal with them. They were so close to each other. Centimeters apart. Brodie glanced across Adelaide's face and quickly leaned in, cupping her face in his hands. He slammed his lips against Adelaide's, practically knocking the air from her lungs. He had no control over what he was doing, he just wanted to go back to the way things were. Her lips were hot against his and it felt too good to stop. In the moment, Adelaide didn't want to let go because she knew when she did it would be the last time she ever felt his lips on hers. She tugged at the collar on his shirt pulling him in closer. Salty tears dripped down Brodie's face and onto Adelaide's hand. She stroked his cheek, wiping away all his tears then pushed him away from her regretfully. Both inhaled deeply attempting to catch their breath.
"Please Brodie, don't make this harder than it needs to be." Her lips quivered.
"So it's over?" His eyes full of sadness. Brodie heard it as a question but Adelaide heard it as a statement.
"Fine" she uttered, barley able to breathe. Brodie looked to her, the skin around her eyes was red and raw from crying, her hands were shaking.
"Fine" He said acceptingly. He opened the front door letting her walk down the drive way before shutting it again. Brodie rested his forehead against the door, using it as a crutch to how deflated he felt. Adelaide sat down on the park bench just outside of his estate and cried. She picked up the phone, calling Alaya.
"Hey what's up?" She answered happily.
"Get Kellie and come to my house." She requested before hanging up the phone.

Half and hour later and the girls showed up to Adelaide's carrying a bag full of snacks. Kellie told Alaya about Brodie moving back to Australia and when Adelaide had called her, crying, she connected the dots. The girls rang the doorbell and were stunned to see Adelaide in a tear stained jumper, sweatpants and her hair tied back in a messy ponytail.
"What happened?" Kellie asked grasping Adelaide's arms.
"Brodie and I broke up." She whispered. Kellie pulled her into a tight hug and let her cry into her jumper. Alaya joined their hug from behind.
"I really need you guys right now, please can we just all sit here?" She pleaded.
Kellie and Alaya glanced at each other.
"Of course" Alaya said.
"Whatever you want" Kellie chimed in.

The girls sat in Adelaide's living room all evening, talking about what happened, then complaining about Brodie, then feeling bad about complaining about Brodie, then eating. It turned into a vicious cycle.
"I'm going to miss him" Adelaide spoke up. The girls gave her pitiful looks. "But I'm just so angry"
"It's ok to be angry! You have every right" Kellie reassured her.
Alaya excused herself and locked herself in the bathroom. She took out her phone calling Oscar. Alaya knew Adelaide wouldn't be too happy if she found out she told Oscar. When Oscar heard what happened, he felt guilty about their breakup. But there was nothing that he could be blamed for. Alaya told him to go check on Brodie, but he got a message from Adelaide.
"Girls are over at mine, I need you to come over. I owe you an apology." He read it out to Alaya over the phone.

Oscar ran to Adelaide's house. His heart was beating so fast as he rang the doorbell. Adelaide answered the door. He looked at her tear stained face, and felt a pang of devastation in his chest. He stepped inside, and asked her what was wrong, pretending like Alaya hadn't already told him what happened.
"Brodie and I broke up." She admitted sadly.
"Oh Adelaide, I'm so sorry!" He said pulling her into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She rested her hands against his chest and let him hold her for a minute.
"It's fine, I don't want to talk about it." She admitted.
"I'm sorry I called you a liar! I should've never jumped to that conclusion"
"It's fine Adelaide, you didn't know..."
"No, it doesn't matter. I was horrible."
"Adelaide" he held her out at arms length so that he could look directly into her eyes.
"It's ok!" He said sternly.
"I know you probably want to go see Brodie but I need you right now, I need my friends."

"I'm here for you." He replied kissing her on the forehead.

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