Black Butler Crack || Request

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Requested by @Marmot_is_here
Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Welcome to the finale of this Black Butler One Shots book! Yay!!

This is just some lighthearted and funny skits, per request.

I hope you all have enjoyed this ride with me as much as I have! :) And don't forget to read the next page as well! I have something important there I need for you to see and respond to. :3

PS: There will be LOTS memes in this.

ONE MORE THING!! Foul language will be used in this. I will give you a rads up when. :)

Alois and Claude are sitting down in the Trancy Manor together. Claude is trying to teach him to say words correctly, but Alois decided to mess with him.

"Kitty," Claude says.

Alois immediately replies, "Titty!"

"No!" Claude yells right after Alois' response.


Ciel is just standing in the garden, when YN sneaks out with a water balloon. YN quietly comes up behind Ciel and lifts the balloon over his head, squeezing it until it explodes.

The water falls onto Ciel and frays a bit off target as well, and he twists around to see a laughing YN.

He smirks and pulls a shot gun out of nowhere, YN freezes as he states evilly, "Oh, it's on."

(Though it's not actually a shot gun, it's a water gun lmao.)


"What's that in your hand?" Sebastian asks YN as they're running.

YN runs closer and away while yelling, "A knife!"

"No!" Sebastian shouts, sprinting after them.


YN comes up to an angry-looking Ciel and holds up a Grumpy Cat picture right beside his face, then shrugs and says, "I see no difference."


"No. I am merely one hell of a deer," says Sebastian.

YN: *dies of laughter in the background.

"What? I'm being completely and utterly serious."


Alois is sitting down on a lawn chair, just minding his own business.

Hannah creeps up behind him and pours ice on top of his head.

He shrieks in surprise, standing and shouting, "Ack! That's cold! Damnit, Hannah!"


"Guess what I just licked, Ciel!" Alois proclaims, bounding up to him.

Ciel rolls his eyes, "I feel like half of our conversations start this way."


"Me? A slut?" Alois inquires, then adds with a smirk, "I'm not the one fucking nuns."

*BEEP* (Okay you're good now if you skipped)

"Humans have the power among themselves to be anything they want to be," Sebastian starts. Then finishes, "It's strange that so many of them choose to be morons."


Random hater: "Demons aren't that impressive."

Sebastian pokes his head through the door, giving them a creepy smile, "Are you sure about that?"


I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun making it, and even if it wasn't too funny, I hope at least one thing made you chuckle. :3

Again, thanks for sticking through this book with me! Even when I didn't update for long periods of time, lmao.

Until next time, my wolf pack!


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