descendants : adara

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name : adara , princess of arendelle .
pronunciation : a - duh - rah
name meaning : hebrew origin meaning "fire", means "noble" in hebrew .

nickname : ada, dara

personality : when you first meet adara , she seems spoiled and stuck up . as you get to know her , you learn she only does this to feel some sort of ... power . she's insecure about the fact she may never be on the throne of her kingdom . she flaunts her royal blood every time she goes out in public , making it a huge deal . she's very passionate about her kingdom and is willing to fight anyone that says anything negative about it .

sexuality : closeted lesbian , she's too afraid to come out .

appearance : adara is red haired like her mother , anna and her eyes are a light blue . her skin is very pale and she has freckles but she covers them up with makeup as she very much dislikes them . she stands at exactly six foot , and never wears heels to in order to seem shorter . she weighs one hundred and twenty - five pounds or fifty - six kilograms . her wardrobe is mainly formal dresses and ballet flats .

age : seventeen years of age .

birthday : june twenty-seventh 

zodiac sign : cancer

a quote they might say :

- " bow to me , peasant ! "
- " yeah , i know ... i'll never rule my kingdom ... "
- " i'm not a lesbian ! "

love interest : any oc

ak or vk : auradon kid

likes :

- being a princess
- her kingdom
- hot places
- long dresses

dislikes :

- being told off
- people coming into her room uninvited
- disrespect towards her
- blood

powers : none , and she hates it .

position in bed : dominant ( though again , i don't like smut )

parents : princess anna and prince kristoff of arendelle

additional information : adara's parents wanted her to have a sheltered childhood , but she was having none of it , and always escapes the palace to explore . she finds her height and freckles unattractive and do her best to hide them , hiding her freckles is easy but hiding her height is impossible . she's taller than anna but an inch shorter than kristoff . she has a twin brother , who stays in the background .

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