4 › wet dreams and stained tissues

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" They're so beautiful ."

Jungkook's softly says, gaze never leaving the younger male's. Taehyung's a bit lost by the praise that the older just said, heart thumping a little fast.

They both stayed for a while with their current position. Both males seemingly in trance by each other's features. Taehyung's gaze slowly goes down and settles at the older male's lips.

'What would those lips feel against mine?' Taehyung thinks dazedly.

But then, as he assess what just he thought it brought back his senses. Taehyung couldn't believe what he just thought of, kissing the man in front of him that's suppose to be his father?

With cheeks reddened, Taehyung slightly pushes the older male away from him which it made Jungkook snap out of his trance. The younger male slowly stands up, dusting his pants then awkwardly glances at the older male in front of him.

What he saw was Jungkook scratching his nape, somewhat a bit flustered himself. He cleared his throat, " y-you should start washing the dishes. I'll be upstairs to do my work . Call me if you need anything. "

Jungkook hastily says as he proceeds to go upstairs, his movements a bit hurried as if he was trying to hide himself. Whilst Taehyung's left alone downstairs, still processing what just happened and why's he feeling something he shouldn't feel.

The younger still felt his cheeks warm, heart still beating fast. He groaned.

Fuck Taehyung. Don't be attracted to that man!


[ So how's the day with Jungkook, tae?]

Days passed by after that awkward incident, both male's decided not to talk about it-well, Taehyung wanted to but he's not confident enough to confront the older male about it as he avoids the topic obviously whenever the younger male tries to do so.

They still interact however, Jungkook's a bit stiff whenever Taehyung approaches him as if he's trying not to get too close to Taehyung. Though, the younger couldn't care less as it somehow benefitted him. He didn't want that incident to happen again.

"I feel somewhat uncomfortable around him but,,,don't worry we will get along soon." Taehyung answers

[ Are you sure honey? Or you are just forced because of me ? ]

"No, that's not it Mom. I really do mean it. " Taehyung tries to reassure his mother, when he himself a bit unsure that he'll get along well with the older.

[ You do? I really want to talk some more but sadly, I can't. We will have a meeting after this break. ]

He hears his mother sigh through the phone. He can tell that his mother is tired from her work by the way she speaks to him.

" I'll call you when you got off from work mom. Take care of yourself hmm? Rest a lot mom, I know you're so tired right now."

[ I will , Taehyung. Both you and Jungkook too, take care of yourselves. Uhm...say hi to Jungkook for me. I cannot contact him , I wonder why.]

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