Tuck Everlasting, Marco Polo, and Poppy (Summer Special, Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Herc: But what kinda name is Tuck? Sounds like-


Quinn: How about we just listen to the musical? *turns it on*  

[Time skip brought to you by Miles being an underrated singer/character/dad/everything #justiceformiles]

Quinn: So, what did you guys think? 

Philip: That was cool! 

Eliza: Yes, I actually really liked that!

Peggy: Winnie reminds me of myself when I was little. Looking for trouble but afraid to find it. *laughs* But CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT ENDING? LIKE WHAT? SHE SKIPPED OUT ON ETERNITY WITH FREAKING JESSE SO SHE COULD MARRY THAT DOOFUS POLICE OFFICER?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Hamilton: It's not as easy as you make it, Peggy. I know, I would love to live forever, but you never think about how you'd have to stay hidden, because people would notice how you never get any older. You really wouldn't be able to do as much as you'd think. 

Madison: And then you'd have to watch your mortal friends and loved ones die one by one... I think immortality would be more of a curse than a blessing. 

Samuel: Oh, that sounds horrible! 

Jefferson: Yeah, it's not all it's cracked up to be. I mean, look at poor Miles and his wife and son. 

Eliza: That song made me cry... *holds Philip in her lap* 

Peggy: I guess you're right... but Jesse is immortal, too. And so is his family. They could all be together forever. And if Winnie waited until she was 17 like Jesse to drink the water, it would have been all good. But Hugo is, what, 20? There's no changing that. It's just weird. 

Quinn: What Seventeen do you guys prefer: the one in Heathers, or the one in Tuck Everlasting?

Peggy: Ooh, that's hard! I really liked both! I think I gotta say this one. It was so sweet, and it made me cry a little. 

Maria: I still really like Heathers, but I liked this song too. All the songs in this one were good.

Hamilton: I agree with Maria, I preferred Heathers' Seventeen, but I liked this one, too.

Eliza: I say this one! I didn't like Heathers very much. 

Quinn: If you guys did drink from the spring and live forever, what would you do with all that time?

Hamilton: *eyes widen* I would write so many papers! There's so much I would write, so much I would change... so much I could do...!

Angelica: But immortality isn't worth it if the people you care about aren't with you... right, Alexander?

Hamilton: *coughs* Oh, of course. Absolutely. 

Eliza: Well, I would spend a lot of time volunteering. There's so many people I could help if I had eternity. 

Maria: I agree with Mrs. Hamilton. First, I would work until I could pay for college, get a good education, make sure Susan is taken care of... *tickles Susan*

Susan: *giggles*

Maria: And then I would spend a lot of time working with organizations that help women and children in... bad home lives. 

Jefferson: I think it'd be nice to just be, you know? Like, put the work away and go walk the grounds of Monticello with Secretary Squishypaws. I wouldn't accomplish anything doing it, but it wouldn't matter. I'd be nice to take some time to just... exist. 

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