The tall girl shrugged her shoulders. "I play the guitar and write songs sometimes."

Not surprised since Reese had shown her love for music ever since they met with her band teeshirts and her past love for Elvis, Davina smiled softly. "That's so cool. I wish I could do that. I'm like, musically challenged. I can't play any instrument or hold a note."

"It took me forever but I managed to teach myself how to play the guitar in three years."

"Seriously? That's so impressive. Not many people can do that."

For the first time, that Davina has seen, Reese's cheeks flushed a light pink.

By the time Davina finished reliving their conversation, the camp's trumpet called everyone for lunch. The campers rolled up their mats, tossing them into the large bin in the corner of the room after Mrs. Abigal asked them to. As Reese collected hers and Davina's mats, the tan girl threw the medical bookbag over her shoulders and grabbed the clipboard from the floor before lining the children up.

The second the door opened, the kids raced out of the building and towards the Cafe. Sighing, Davina questioned why she even tried to organize them before lunch. Their excitement for a little free time shadowed over their awareness of how they needed to behave.

     Once she seized her tray in line of the Cafe, she patiently waited for the children in front of her to choose their lunches.

"Hey, Davina," a voice that Davina barely recognized uttered from behind her. When her eyes met with Finn's, her stomach turned.

"Hey Finn," Davina said, not wanting to appear rude.

"How's your day been?"

"Fine. Reese and I's group finished yoga just now."

"Cool, we're doing yoga tomorrow," Finn commented. He fidgeted with his tray momentarily before holding it against his chest. "So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the bonfire tonight?"

Every night, everyone gathered around a large campfire. A particular event was never in mind, it was just a way for the campers and the counselors to have a little free time before bed. They ate delicious treats made by one of the groups and enjoyed each other's company. On Monday night, they tried to catch fireflies and on Tuesday, they told spooky stories while roasting marshmallows.

Reluctant to answer, Davina remained silent. The last thing she wanted to do was be alone with Finn, or even close to him with people nearby. Everything about the boy gave her nausea; the way he looked at her like she was a fresh piece of meat, the way he acted around her as if they'd known each other for years, and the way he spoke to her like she was having a conversation for the first time in her life. "I can't; I already agreed to hang with Reese and Jamie. I'm sorry."

Waving his hand in dismissal, Finn shook his head. "Don't be. We can another time."

Another time? There will never be another time but okay; whatever to get him off my back for now.


The silver moon glowed in the jet-black sky as the stars twinkled around it. Crickets chirped from the grass, careful to bounce whenever a person came close. A chilly breeze weaved through the woods, making everyone's desire to be near the fire grow.

Children ran past Davina, giggling loudly as they played a game of tag. Warning them to slow down for their safety, she wrapped her arms around herself as she strolled towards Reese, Jamie, Quinn, and Wes who were passing out the brownies the Dudes made earlier that day. They stood behind a medium-sized table, the brownies sitting in glass pans.

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