I slipped my arms into the sleeves when I went into a cavernous room that was set up almost like a stadium or a large class in college. It held about two hundred people and all the seats were filled with people who worked for different departments. We had this meeting anytime something major happened or once a month to just keep people informed. I had a lot of people working under me and didn't have time for separate meetings all the time.

"Hello, everyone," I said loudly, and they quieted down. I noticed some of the women in the room swoon as I finished buttoning up my shirt. I secretly smirked at that.

"As you might have heard, we had a security breach in the building last night. We're working on finding out what was taken and by whom, but I need everyone to be on the alert with your things. Don't leave company laptops or Blackberrys lying around for someone to fucking swipe them."

The meeting lasted about an hour, and I just lectured everyone on what was to be done in the next couple of weeks. Half the people in the room were older than me, but I paid all their salaries so they could shove their high powered resumes and million dollar educations up their asses.

As everyone started to file out of the conference room, I called Mario and Jane over.

"Is something wrong?" Mario asked.

"The new interns start today?"

He nodded.

"How many? Where are they from?"

Mario flipped through the papers he was Carrying. "Five of them. All seniors in college. Various places around the country, all top universities."

"Who did the interviews?" I walked out of the room, they followed.

"The people in Human Resources. You gave them specifics on what you were looking for, and they chose the best candidates. Don't you remember?" Jane asked.

"No," I replied. "Okay, I want the interns in the file room, going through stacks, familiarizing themselves with the business lingo we use around here. Mario, have them making copies of anything you need, teach them about the computer systems, and make sure they stay far away from me. I'll talk to them in about a week. Make sure to scare them a little."

"Yes, sir." He left my side.

"Jane, follow me. I want to take a walk through the cubicles."

We got into the elevator and went down three floors.

The air down here was different. It smelled like cheap, overly caffeinated coffee and stuffy paper, along with a hint of prescription drugs. Everyone needed them to stay awake and get the work done. Rows upon rows of cubicles were filled with people on phones or tapping away on their computers. Large windows showed off a nice view, but it wasn't like anyone had enough time to actually take it in. Most of them didn't see their families during the week and would work through meals. It was how my business ran.

There were various forms of "hello" as I rushed through the stacks, not making eye contact with anyone. I was on a mission. Jane struggled to keep up.

We arrived at one of the offices on the floor that belonged to a supervisor. He was an older man of about fifty but had been working here since before I bought the previous company out. He had experience and a strong work ethic. His name was simply "Bob". I hadn't ever bothered to check for a last.

He was currently on the phone, shouting until he was red at someone on the other line. He didn't notice Jane or me at first, but quickly hung up once he did.

"Mr. Bieber, what a surprise this is." He shook my hand.

"Hello, Bob." I took a seat in front of him. Jane remained standing. She looked puzzled but kept quiet. "I was wondering how the deal with Porsche is coming."

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