13 - Cutting A Deal

Start from the beginning

Maybe she left because of those days in the bunker? Perhaps she left because she finally had a chance to escape me? Lying on top of my bed I stared at the pitch black ceiling. I wasn't in the mood for sleeping. My mind was too alive with thoughts of Harlow framed with Lara's aggressive monologue that had occurred just minutes earlier.

'Life can be so fucking unfair huh old man?' My radio came alive on my desk. Blood running cold at the voice, I stiffened. 'You're wasting potential with these people. Come meet us at The Inquisitor's Grave, you know the way. We got a deal for you.' The green light from the screen buzzed out and I lay there motionless. Those fucking twins. They wanted me to bite.


Hands deep in my bomber jacket pockets, I trudged up the hill. Stars sparkled against the navy sky, auroras spanning across the vast expanse.

'Well I'll be, you actually fucking showed!' Mickey sat ahead of me. One of her legs dangled into the deep hole of what was once the silo of my bunker. The other rested at a right angle on the floor, her arm dangling off her knee. Lou stood atop what had once been an extractor fan to flow clean air underground, her arms neatly folded across the pink vest that encased her chest.

'What sort of man would I be to refuse the company of you two lovely ladies on such a fine evening.' A thin smile spread beneath my beard. I had to tread carefully here.

'So you musta heard we killed your precious Thomas Rush.' Mickey's fingers danced a little in the air. 'It was so magical.'

'Blowin' brains out always is.' A blissful grin etched menacingly across Lou's face. That was definitely a threat.

'You win some you lose some.' I retorted playfully.

'You seem quite chipper considering we got ya rabbit too. Pushed her straight out of a ten story window.' Mickey's eyes narrowed at me, trying to read my expression. They thought that Lara was dead. Feigning a flicker of sadness, I rubbed the back of my neck in an agitated manner.

'What do you want?' I finalised, looking back up at them intensely.

'You are a talented man John Seed.' Mickey got to her feet, standing up tall in front of me. 'We know all about you and the little operation you ran around here. Impressive stuff. Shame to see you go to waste down there in that den of losers.'

'That was a long time ago.' Clenching my teeth, I felt Mickey prod me in the chest.

'Don't you remember how it felt to have the power? To be the winner? You could do anything you wanted, be anything you wanted. You were a loose cannon just like Lou.' Gesturing to her sister over her shoulder, Mickey gave me a cool and calculated gaze. 'Unpredictability. It's a gift.' Mulling over her words, I felt something that was normally repressed stir inside me. How long had it been since I'd held a head underwater? Peeled skin from someone's chest? Heard the incessant chanting of the word 'Yes'? My mouth grew dry and Mickey's eyes glinted with anticipation and realisation. 'You miss it.'


'We can give it all back to you. All we need is a little favour. Y'know, you scratch our back then we scratch yours?' Mickey shoved me gently before beginning to pace in front of me. Lou had moved to the rim of the silo, tip-toeing around the edge like she was on a tightrope.

'I'm listening.' Flicking my tongue over my lips, I kept my gaze fixed on Mickey.

'Your rabbit, she got some kinda powers from that old brother of yours. We need that and you are our perfect in.' I caught Lou in the corner of my eye suddenly advancing out of nowhere. 'Get Joseph to tell you how to harness it and we'll give you whatever you desire.' Mickey stared at me expectantly as Lou cracked her knuckles. The younger of the two girls reminded me so much of myself. Her behaviour was erratic, fuelled by anger and sadism. Mickey on the other hand, by God was she like Jacob. Calculating and calm in any situation. Her way with words could make even the strongest warrior buckle at the knees and surrender.

'So what's it gonna be old man? You in or you out?' Lou pounded a fist gently into her palm as she eyed me. It would be nice to have it all again. The fame. The fear. The power. Thousands of people bowing in pure terror at my presence.

'When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.'

My words to Harlow when I'd first taken her to the ranch echoed in my head. Her blood-drained face from a ride in Affirmation. Her light-hearted chuckles and the sarcasm that radiated from her mouth with every other word. The way she'd let the edge of her tongue peep out of her mouth when she was concentrating. Her whines of pleasure when I fucked her. The deep green hue of her irises. How she'd stalk off to hide when she was upset like a wounded animal. When she'd shoot an arrow with such precision it whistled through the air without a sound. The way she could go from slapping me viciously to softly massaging my skin with her fingertips in seconds. Her. Everything was about her. This wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth it to lose her. Raising my palms, I backed away from the twins.

'No can do.' Saluting a few fingers from my forehead, I turned on my heel and strode away from them.

'You're making a big fucking mistake!' Mickey called after me and I simply let out a hearty laugh into the night air.

'Unpredictability. It's a gift.' A sly grin spreading across my face, I slunk into the shadows of the forest away from the twins. I still had it.

Judgement (John Seed X Deputy OC)Where stories live. Discover now