not a date

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"how are you going to eat with that?" yixing asked while pointing at the younger's face. jongin, just as he said before, wore his disguises that turns out to be a bucket hat, sunglasses and a mask. he really looks unrecognizable (and kind of shady if yixing's honest) but he still rocks the look anyway.

"i'm gonna pull the mask down, duh." yixing rolls his eyes at the obvious statement. "don't worry. this is the restaurant i often went to and the owner is a friend of mine. she has private tables with curtain so we have our own privacy." the younger winks at him but because of the sun glasses, it went unnoticed by the chinese.

"seriously, aren't you taking too much risk? you even held hands with me earlier." yixing stated. his mind playing the worst possible scenes going to happen if they are not careful. yixing is going to be dragged into the scandal too if anything goes wrong. and he doesn't want scandals. heck, he doesn't even do gossip.

jongin rest a hand on yixing's shoulder, an act to reassure the man. though it felt good, it done nothing to calm his erotic heart beat. instead it goes faster. while yixing looks calm on the outside despite being close (literally) on kim jongin, inside he's really nervous. he works in a fashion industry, yes, and he met a lot of famous people, but this time– this kim jongin– is different. and yixing doesn't know if it's a good different or a bad different. "hey, it's alright. if there were rumours, i'll take care of it."

yixing sighs, shaking his head lightly. for being the number one k-idol jongin surely isn't afraid to take risks like this. the photographer had worked with several idols and they shared their stories, so yixing knows a thing or two about the entertainment world and how the fans plus the company can be dangerous. especially if you're the most famous one.

after a while, they finally arrived at jongin's friend's restaurant and yixing is already hooked by one look. the exterior is beautifully done, even though it was a bit hidden because of the plants, it still looks cool. yixing should ask the owner if he can do a photoshoot in here.

as the two step out of the car, yixing voices out, "how come i've never heard of this place? with this look it should be known by many."

jongin spares him a grin (yixing doesn't know, he's a wearing a mask and glasses so it's hard to tell). leaning down, he whispers to the older. "it's a place special for idols. so consider yourself lucky."

yixing's reflex kicked in and he finds himself gaping at the building. did he just score himself a hideaway for famous people? so that's why half of this place was covered by plants and other sort of things. it helps the restaurant stay unknown to public eyes.

chuckling, jongin tug him by circling his fingers around his wrist. the door was pushed open by the younger and yixing was greeted by the view of almost packed room. looking around, he notices some familiar faces. he can't believe jongin brought him here. he sees bewhy and three other men, yixing can't really see his face because of the angle and two of them are wearing disguise like jongin. on the corner of them room, he sees hoody with a friend of her. he sees several artists and he was kinda overwhelmed by it. but he knows how to handle situations like this.

"wow." yixing muttered and jongin smiles at him.

"good evening. table for two?" a waiter approached them, clad in a black apron that has the name of the restaurant on it. yixing nods to him and gives out a smile. the waiter moves his eyes towards him and return the smile with his own, "please follow me."

"can we have the curtains one?" jongin asked as the waiter leads them to one of the available table.

"oh, the curtains one? sure."

after the two are seated and order their food, the waiter proceed to close the curtain and walk away but not before bowing at the two men. yixing blink once the curtain is closed, blocking them from the outside world.

"hey, is this place really that safe? i mean there's a possibility for a fan stalking an idol who come here." yixing wondered, frowning as he set his eyes on the young model.

"well, so far, no one did. let's just hope it stays that way." jongin offers a smile. "and i have bodyguards, xing. don't worry. no one will kidnap you." yixing sighs lightly, shaking his head. jongin seem the opposite of him, beaming in glee with that infamous smile of his. he looks like a kid and yixing resist the urge to lean forward and ruffle his hair. "so, let's get to know each other." the younger offered and yixing agrees. "i'll start. how old are you?"

"twenty seven." the older replied after subtracting this year to his birth year. he was born in october and today is in april, so he hasn't reach twenty eight. "and you?"

"i'm twenty five." yixing gapes a bit at the taller and blink in surprise.

"you should call me hyung!"

"i want to call you mine."

yixing groans into his palms and the waiter, being a saviour, safe him by opening the curtain and placing their drinks. thanking the waiter, he grab the glass and move it closer to his lips to take a swift of his orange juice. he needs the freshness from the drink to clear his mind.

"xing hyung." yixing puts down the glass and raises a brow at the younger. did he just call him hyung? as if knowing what yixing is thinking, jongin grins at the photographer. "yixing hyung. it has a nice ring." yixing doesn't know why he thinks that but okay. "anyways, moving on. when were you born?"

"october seven, ninety one liner." yixing asked the same question to the model.

"january fourteen, ninety four liner." jongin leans forward to prop his elbow on the table, his chin resting on his palm as his eyes raked over yixing's face in curiousity. "any siblings?"

"no. but i do want a younger brother."

jongin pouts, "luckily you don't have one so i don't have to compete with him to get your attention." he dodge a crumpled tissue heading his way courtesy of yixing. then the talk went on and on and even after their foods arrived, the two are still talking and asking each other general questions. with this, yixing feels like he can make an encyclopedia about the younger with that much information he got.

the two men shared the bill. yixing was thankful for that. "so we know each other's general informations. on our second date we'll talk about the personal ones." jongin winks at him along with his infamous smile before standing up from his seat, yixing following his movement as they both walk towards the exit slash entrance.

"who says there will be a second one?" yixing dared to say. he watch jongin's frowny expression as he immediately halt on steps before they can enter his car.

"you don't want to?"

the face he made stab yixing's heart a little. so he quickly dismissed the idea of teasing the guy. "alright, sure. don't cry."

jongin doesn't complain about the last sentence and only beams at him, dark orbs lighting up and a grin invading his face. "you're the best. thanks, hyung!" and then jongin bends his neck a little to match yixing's ear level and whisper, "i'll show you my gratitude by kissing you but we're outside." yixing should really be used at jongin's switching-personality-thing.

the shorter feels his heart rate doubled, thanks to jongin, but he brush it off with a roll of his eyes and a light punch on the younger's shoulder. act unaffected, you know? "i don't just kiss someone."

"then i'll kiss you on our second date."

yixing shove jongin's face away when he started to make kissing face, puckered lips and all, resulting in the younger laughing at his action. he can't help but let out a smile at the sound tho.

just as he enters jongin's car and closing the door, he halt on his movements and freeze in place.

did he just indirectly confirm this is a date?

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