late night conversations and slow dancing

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oh, is that another cliché I hear? Yes it is. oh well, enjoy!
  Whizzer swirled the ice in his glass around boredly. He watched the ice knock against the sides, but never heard it over the noise of the crowded bar he was in. The man would come there every night, order a drink, and pick up some random guy who would pay him for *you know what*. The glass was suddenly put down as Whizzer stood abruptly, there was someone at the counter he never saw before and something was itching to get to know him.

  In a few strides, Whizzer had reached his destination, due to the length of his legs, and sat himself down next to the man who had caught his eye jest a few seconds earlier.

  "Excuse me, could I perhaps buy you a drink?" Whizzer asked the other man politely. This was quite out of the ordinary for Whizzer, and even he himself was a bit taken aback at his own actions. Usually, it was the other way around. But now, something was just different and Whizzer wasn't quite sure what to feel about that.

"I'm Whizzer, by the way," he added quickly, noticing the other man's hesitation.

  "Uh... sure." Marvin was caught off guard by the other man's forwardness, but quickly accepted it as the norm here. Here, of course, not being any ordinary bar, because how cliché is that? It was a gay bar. Yep, still cliché.

  Whizzer waved over the bartender and ordered Marvin something he couldn't quite hear over the sounds of socializing around him. Everyone here seemed glad to be here, a space where they could be openly themselves and even possibly get a date. Marvin didn't realize places like this even existed, until an offhand comment was made from his very favorite lesbian couple, and begun contemplating why he hadn't come sooner. Before he could get very far in that, however Whizzer's loud voice cut through his thoughts. There were many other loud voices here, of course, but, once again, there was something different now.

  "I haven't seen you before, are you new in town or just new here?"

  "Just here. Some friends of mine told me about this place."

  "Oh, what are their names, I might know them," Whizzer was confident that he did, after all he was here pretty much every night. It suddenly occurred to him that the amount of time he spent here might be an issue, but he quickly dismissed the thought as the other man began speaking again.

  "Cordelia and Charlotte, they don't come here too often, though."

  Whizzer immediately recognized these names. After all, he had been friends with Cordelia since fifth grade. He took a moment to realize just who this man might be, now that he's gathered this information on him.

  "Is your name, by chance, Marvin?" Whizzer asked, unsure, and a bit afraid of coming across as creepy.

  Possibly Marvin, to his surprise, laughed. "Yeah, I assume they told you about me?" He asked Whizzer, looking amused at the fact that his two best friends were so ready to find Marvin a boyfriend.

  Whizzer mentally smacked himself, come on if this man knew Char and Delia of course he wouldn't think that question to be weird.

  "Yeah," he grinned at Marvin, relaxing a bit.

  The atmosphere of the room had seemed to completely change, or perhaps that was merely because the two men were too enthralled with each other to notice any others in the room. Everyone was still relaxing and having fun, but now to a different beat. Whizzer suddenly realized that the 'different beat' people were relaxing to was actually a slow song. He vaguely remembered some bartender telling him a while ago that around midnight they began to play slow music, but Whizzer never stuck around long enough to actually hear this or see if it's true. The fast-paced pop music that had been playing before was now completely gone, in its place a soft and calming melody playing. The calmness and joy in the room was now more apparent than it had been before, and Whizzer felt a small smile set into place on his face as he observed the couples, whether it be romantic or platonic, migrate towards the dance floor. Almost all of them were holding hands and he suddenly wanted to dance with somebody as those people on the floor were doing.

  Marvin was either a mind reader or even the slightest bit observant because he suddenly stood and held out his hand to Whizzer with a charming smile and a "Would you like to dance?"

  Whizzer gleefully took the shorter man's hand and let himself be led out to the dance floor.

  After a little bit of dancing, Whizzer quickly realized that Marvin had no idea whatsoever as to what he was doing. He attempted to restrain a quiet chuckle, only succeeding in snorting a little bit at the other man.

  "Shut up, I know I'm awful," the other man mumbled, still attempting to dance.

  "No, no, it's cute." Marvin was clearly taken aback at what Whizzer had just said and waited for him to elaborate.

  "You clearly knew that you suck at dancing, yet you still offered to dance with me. Even though I hadn't even said anything yet about wanting to dance, you took the time yo notice that I did. Plus, do I need to point out that we barely know each other, yet you would still do something to possibly embarrass yourself just to make me- an almost complete stranger- happy."

  Marvin blushed deeply, wishing noting more than to be able to kiss the other man right here and now, but it didn't seem quite appropriate, as Whizzer had just pointed out, they were basically strangers. However, he threw all caution to the wind instead and leaned up to plant his lips firmly on the other man's.

  Whizzer was clearly expecting this reaction- or perhaps something similar- and kissed back right away. So, here stood the two men swaying gently to slow music in the background. Everything else seemed to fade out, the only thing mattering to them were each other and this moment right now.


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