college au I guess

957 21 16

"Room 217..." Whizzer chanted over and over again just to make sure he didn't forget.

Nobody really looks forward to college, and it really isn't any different with Whizzer. He was dreading going from the first day of senior year, when he had to start looking for colleges to go to.

"Ha, found it!" He called out victoriously. Maybe a little too loud as well, since he caught the attention of judgy onlookers.

Cordelia giggled at him, much to his embarrassment, but he kept his head high, keeping up the classic Whizzer charm. He unlocked the door, checking inside if anyone was there. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone there, so he could claim the bed he wanted.

"Delia, I don't think I'm ready for college." He complained, falling back on the bed in exasperation.

"Oh, come on Whiz," She replied, nudging him a bit, "it won't be that bad. Besides, if it is, at least you've got your best friend here to comfort you!"

"Yeah, what would I do without you?" He smiled back at her.

"Now, get up! We've got work to do!" Cordelia said excitedly, pulling Whizzer up from the bed.

Whizzer groaned, but nonetheless complied. He and Cordelia began unpacking all if his things he brought with him.

"Hi.." said a timid voice from the doorway. "um.. this is room 217, right?"

Whizzer and Cordelia turned around.

"Yep," Whizzer replied, popping the p "I'm Whizzer and this-" he waved at Cordelia "-is Cordelia!"

"Hi, nice to meet you," the other man said quietly.

Whizzer scanned the shorter man, who was still standing in the doorway.

"You can come in, you know." He grinned cheekily "So, what's your name? I figured I should know it since I will be rooming with you."

The other man blushed, hurriedly setting his things down in the doorway.

"I'm Marvin," he said, sounding a bit more confident than he looked. He was avoiding eye contact and blushing immensely, you can't possibly see that and think 'oh, yes, that's a confident man right there', but that's beside the point.

Whizzer laughed a bit, causing Marvin to blush even more, if that's possible, this man is practically a tomato by now. Cordelia cleared her throat.

"Well, I should probably be going now, you two have fun!" She then left the room to go meet her roommate.


TL:DR Marvin is a gay mess and Whizzer is smug

a/n: if you want a part two let me know and I'll try

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