Chapter 7 - ~~Honesty~~

Start from the beginning

"Maybe it has all been different... I wanna go apologize to her for the sandwich then, and talk to her in general." I say, with a bit more confidence. "I don't know when or how to though..." I say, losing that confidence.

"Who says she's even that upset? She may just be happy you tried at all" Nozomi says with a confidence-raising smile. "How about now? Just go knock on her door and say you want to talk to her, she's probably still awake. Just be nice." Nozomi says.

"You're right!" I say. "Thanks for being my therapist, Nozomi, I'll be right back". She smiles.

"Alright, good luck" she says. "Oh, and by the way (L/N), I'm gonna get you back for not being honest at first" she says grinning an evil smile.

"Heh. Alright then." I say at least, in my mind I'm terrified considering the posabilities that could come from that.


"Maki?" I say quietly as I knock lightly on the door incase she or someone else nearby is sleeping. No response. I guess it is pretty late.

"Yeah?" Maki says as she slowly opens the door. "Oh, I wasn't expecting to see you (Y/N)".

"Can we talk for a little bit?" I say.

"Umm, sure. You can come in, just be quiet, Rin's sleeping." Maki says.

"I never really expected her to sleep in your room" I whisper as we walk in.

"She was curious what a life of luxary was like, her words not mine, she also claimed 80% of my bed at first, so I guess she likes it too". Maki says as she sits down in a chair next too a large, cute non-specific animal plush.

"I see, is there a reason why Nozomi's in my room?" I ask.

"She is? I thought Honoka was in your room." Maki says. Wow... Did Nozomi trade rooms just to talk with me? I guess I should be thankful then. "But, anyway, what's bothering you?"

I take a seat in a nearby chair. "Well... I'm sorry." 

"...For what?" Maki says.

"Almost catching your house on fire and ruining your dinner" I say.

"Oh, right. It's fine, don't worry. We have the fire extinguisher for a reason, and at least you tried". Maki says. I guess Nozomi was right.

"...And for our introduction as well" I say as I try to look off, not feeling worthy of seeing her beautiful eyes shining in the dark.

"What did you do there again?" Maki askes. Does she really not remember?

"I think I zoned out? It has been a little while" I say.

"Oh, then it's all fine then." Maki says. "Kotori zones out all the time, I'm kind of use to it". 

"...Do you hate me?" I ask, making direct eye contact just for this question.

"Hate you!?!" Maki says in a much louder tone than before and quickly checks if she woke Rin up, thankfully she didn't though. "...Why would I hate you?"

"You've just... always seemed a bit tough around me. I don't know what I'm doing, but, I'm sorry..." I say. Maki looks at me the way someone looks at a lonely dog.

"...I'm sorry myself then" Maki says, surprising me. "I didn't wanna seem like I hated you (Y/N)."

"Really?" I say.

"Well..." she looks off for a minute. "It's not like I like you, it's just.." Maki looks off for a second, she's as red as the sandwich's bread I burnt now. "I don't know... I don't hay you though" Maki says.

"I think I know what you mean" I say. Maki looks away for a second again before looking back. 

"Thank you... saves me words and trouble". Maki says.

"...Do you think I'm a good friend to everyone?" I say.

"I think you're okay with everyone, but over time you'll become almost as loved her as the members" Maki says.

"It still just feels like I'm a bit out of place sometimes, but I'm glad you feel that way." I say.

"I'm at least accepting of you (Y/N), I'm sorry it didn't seem like that." Maki says.

"You weren't talking to the second years about me when we first met, right?" I ask.

"No, I was just talking about some merchendising stuff. Why did you think that?" Maki askes.

"I don't know... I guess I'm just thinking negatively and aren't very good at remembering things." I say.

"Well don't be negative about the past then, keep with the positives coming in the future and now because they matter more. Like the fact that you're able to talk with me at all is a positive." Maki says.

"I've been thinking about how awesome things are turning out now in comparison to the past a lot actually, that's good advice. Thank you!" I say. She giggles.

"I try to be helpful when I can, especially to my friends" Maki smiles. "Anyway, I really need to sleep, thank you for talking to me (Y/N)". Maki hugs me after that, I never expected that her sweet side was this nice, wow... My face feels like it's having a wildfire reach it. I wrap my arms around her really tight because of me getting into the moment too much.

"Y-You can stop now (Y/N). We need to go to sleep" Maki says after some seconds pass.

"Alright then, good night Maki." I say.

"Good night (Y/N)" Maki says. All of the members here are so kind, really. I'm so happy I met all of them. I can't wait to tell Nozomi about this too, this was a huge success! She'll be so proud to hear that things are even better between us than I thought they possibly could be. I open the door.

"Nozomi?" I see her sleeping on the right side of the bed, leaving the left side completely open for someone to sleep in and nowhere else to sleep...

So this is how she gets back at me.


Author's note: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I've had a vision for this one for a while now so it feels great to finally write it. I don't have much to say here this time note, but have a nice day!

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