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"No, you gotta be kidding me! Tell me Vic didn't push you into a trash can." Alex said as he held his phone on his shoulder, pinning it down with his ear. He needed a new phone badly, the speaker on his sucked ass, he's trying to convince his parents to let him get a new one but no, he needs to raise up his grades in science and gym.

"Yeah, he did. And he pushed me in the one the freshman use too! Their such slobs when it comes to lunch." His friend Kellin mumbled over the phone.

Alex let out an irritated sigh, Vic and his friends always thought it was such fun to mess with Kellin. Nobody else, just him. If Alex knew any better he would've guessed the bully had a crush on Kellin. The probability of that though isn't very likely though. "Jeez, I'm so sorry, Kells. We can go shopping later of you want to! We can go to that Hot Topic they just added in, too. I heard they have some cool Blink shirts and Nirvana shirts there." Alex said as he was going through his shirts, he was trying to find a specific one that he's been wanting to wear for awhile.

He heard Kellin laugh a little, "Forget band t-shirts! They have some pretty fucking cute Invader Zim shirts there that I want."

Alex rolled his eyes, knowing that Kellin couldn't see him. "Of course, can't ever go wrong with Invader Zim." He said, making a noise of accomplishment once he found his shirt.

"I swear, your the only guy I know who will spend this long on his look." Kellin said with a sigh, flopping down on his bed making Alex cringe at the noise he heard over the phone.

"Oh shut up."

"Make me!"

"I have duct tape, Kells."

"Fuck off, duct tape man." Kellin said with fake anger.

Alex gasped, tossing off the shirt he was wearing onto his floor and pulling on the one he just grabbed. "Anyways, what time do you want to go?"

There was a pause from the other line. "Maybe after school today? It's only a Tuesday so your parents won't be home to yell at you for not being home on time." Kellin always wanted to make sure their plans didn't involve Alex getting in trouble.

Alex let out a sad sigh that wasn't heard by the other boy. He hated that his parents were barely ever home, if they were it was them either working more or yelling at him about something, grades or about how he wasn't spending enough time outside. Funny how they yell at him when he does go outside. "Yeah, that sounds good, Kells." The dirty blonde said as he struggled with pulling on his jeans.

"Jeans getting the best of you, again?" Kellin asked with a laugh.

"Shut up!" He said embarrassed.

Kellin bursted into a fit of giggles before sighing after he composed himself. "I got to go, I'll see you at school, Lex."

"Bye, Kells!"


After the line went dead Alex slammed his phone shut. Okay, maybe that was a small factor into why his phone was shit. He shoved it into his front pocket before pulling on a random belt off the floor and grabbing a black hoodie to top of his mess of an outfit. He looked in his full length mirror and let out a content sigh fall through his lips. He's never been the most confindent guy, sure he liked the things he would wear and how he put them together but he never thought they ever looked good on him.

He stuffed his wallet into his back pocket and slipped on an old pair of black converse. He was hoping his brother was still home and hasn't left for the day yet. He made his way down the hallway before knocking, not hard or anything, last time he did that he wasn't aloud to have anything really. Just sit in his room with nothing to do but be alone with his thoughts for two weeks. What he did then wasn't something he wanted to remember.

Nothing Personal. JalexΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα